Jamie Foxx & Dominique Fishback Interview: Project Power

Jamie Foxx & Dominique Fishback Interview: Project Power

With the superhero genre showing no signs of slowing down, Netflix has its own offering in the form of Project Power. The film arrives on August 14, telling the story of a special pill that lets its users have extraordinary abilities for just five minutes.

Jamie Foxx stars as Art, a military man trying to extricate his daughter from the center of the nefarious drug scheme. He’s joined in the film and on his mission by Dominique Fishback, who plays the young and determined high school student Robin. The two actors shared their filming experience with Screen Rant and discussed the personal powers their characters possess.

Dominique, I’ve got to ask about those freestyle flows. Were those written by you, or were they performed live? How did that work out?

Dominique Fishback: The raps weren’t written by me; they were written by an artist named Chika, who actually is in the classroom scene. She’s the best friend that saying, “She’s gonna rap” and beatboxing. She was responsible for writing every rap that Robin has in the song, but we did meet in a hotel room. We did FaceTime to talk about what it is that I wanted to bring to the character; what I wanted her to be able to say. That’s kind of how it came about.

But in the room, yeah, Chika’s beatboxing and I’m going to the flow. Even at the end where she calls her teacher a bitch or whatever – even that wasn’t me. That was one of the directors. That was Henry, he was like, “I want you to say ‘b****’ at the end.” Every time I’m rapping, at the end, I always forget the ‘b****.’ He’s like, “Dom, don’t forget the b****.”

Jamie, I love Art in this film. Superhero films are arguably the most popular genre at the moment, and superpowers are a really ingenious way to frame the notion of drug addiction. Can you talk to me about how Project Power shines a light on addiction and what it does to the community?

Jamie Foxx: Well, it touches and dances around a lot on all that. It shows you something familiar, but the supernatural of it is like, “This power doesn’t get you high. It turns you into a superhero.” I mean, that’s a crazy thing to know. And then it talks about, how much would you do to get the power? Because then you find out that you might die, but people still want to take it. That’s another thing about our addictions and things like that.

Now you implement two people, or actually three people, who now have the task of cleaning it up. We have the task of saying, “Hey, let’s out the real culprits of this. Let’s really go find out where the root of it is, and let’s cut it out.” And then you find out that my character’s daughter is part of it. The whole hidden agenda of what the conspiracy theory is; this is tried or experimented on people. Which, I got my homies; they’re always talking about conspiracies.

It sort of plays along all of those sort of things that we talk about all the time. It’s crazy that this was two years ago when we shot it, but it was sort of foreshadowing what we are dealing with and what we’re in right now, man. I’m happy that it’s coming out, and I’m hoping that it gives us an opportunity to take an intermission.

Jamie Foxx & Dominique Fishback Interview: Project Power

What do you guys think your characters’ actual powers are in the film, not including superpowers?

Jamie Foxx: My power is the power of enlightenment; of letting you see. Like I always said, if we could take people’s eyes and see what they see, we could see what they feel sad about; see what they’re mad about. And then we could say, “Oh, now I get you,” and I can pass that on. Now we see, “Okay, that’s why he feels this way.” So now, we could all end up loving each other and get to the after party and do what we’re supposed to be doing. We’re supposed to be all good, getting it like that.

That was my thing. Art’s character wanted to shine the light so brightly into Robin, that she blooms. She’s this flower waiting to bloom. So, that’s what mine is.

Dominique Fishback: I’m not gonna say the regular one that we know, which is her words. I’m gonna go for something like her ability to forgive. She has to forgive rather quickly. For her to be able to go on this journey with Art, she has to forgive the way in which they met and the threats that he placed. She has to forgive those things. She has to forgive Frank for not thinking highly enough of her and kind of using her for a pill while saying it’s wrong.

There’s so much forgiveness that has to be done, and she’s able to look at a person and not judge them off a mistake or something that makes them human. But she can see past that and know what’s at the heart of a person.

Key Release Dates

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