James Bond 25: Everything You Need To Know

James Bond 25: Everything You Need To Know

One of the longest-running franchises in cinematic history, famed spy 007 will return in the upcoming Bond 25. The film sees Daniel Craig (who has been in the role since 2006’s Casino Royale) return to the fold. After the divisiveness of Spectre, many thought the series would enter a new era, but Craig is hoping to end his tenure on a high note with another exciting mission. Here’s all you need to know about the sequel.

  • James Bond 25
  • Release Date: February 14, 2020
  • Cast: Daniel Craig
  • Director: Cary Fukunaga
  • Writer: Neal Purvis, Robert Wade

Last Update: September 20, 2018

Daniel Craig Plays James Bond For the Final Time

James Bond 25: Everything You Need To Know

After Spectre, it looked like Craig’s tenure as 007 was over. Not only did the film’s ending send the spy literally riding off with his love, Craig himself seemed over the franchise. He was particularly prickly during Spectre promotion, at one point saying he’d rather slit his wrists than portray the character again. However, he later changed his tune and signed on for one more mission, saying he wants to conclude his time as Bond on a high note with Bond 25.

Read More: Bond 25 Is Daniel Craig’s Next Movie

No Bond 25 Supporting Cast Is Confirmed

Ralph Fiennes as M

Several of Bond’s MI6 allies from Skyfall, including Ralph Fiennes’ M, Naomi Harris’ Eve Moneypenny, and Ben Wishaw’s Q returned for Spectre. It’s reasonable to assume they’ll all be back for the next sequel, but nobody is officially signed on at this point in time. Presumably that will change soon, since Bond 25 needs to start filming soon to make its release date.

Read More: Naomi Harris Unsure If She’ll Be In Bond 25

Christoph Waltz Won’t Play Blofeld In Bond 25

Christoph Waltz and Lea Seydoux in Spectre

Two-time Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz was cast as Spectre’s main villain, revealed to be famed Bond nemesis Ernst Blofeld. In the film, he also went by the name Franz Oberhauser and was Bond’s foster brother. Blofeld was left alive at the end of Spectre, seemingly as a way to carry him over into a sequel. However, Waltz has gone on record to say while he would have liked to come back, he will not be returning to the franchise.

Read More: Christoph Waltz Will Not Be In Bond 25

Helena Bonham Carter is Rumored For Bond 25 Villain

Helena Bonham Carter King's Speech

Bond villains are cinematic legend at this point, so there’s always much interest in who will torment 007 next. With Waltz out of the picture, that distinction could fall to Helena Bonham Carter, who is reportedly at the top of the producers’ list for the antagonist. Carter has played a wide range of characters throughout her career, so she would be a strong fit.

Read More: Helena Bonham Carter Rumored For Bond 25

Bond 25 Does Not Have An Official Title

Daniel Craig as James Bond in Spectre

As many fans know by now, Bond 25 is merely a placeholder for the film’s official name, which will be revealed at some point in the future. One of the bigger rumors about the film indicates it will be called Shatterhand and draw inspiration from the novel Never Dream of Dying by Raymond Benson. The plans for Bond 25 seem to have changed since that speculation came out, so viewers shouldn’t read too much into that right now, however.

Read More: Bond 25 Rumored Title & Villain Details

Beyonce May Record Bond 25 Theme Song

One of the franchise’s most noteworthy trademarks is the song that plays over the stylized opening credits sequence. Every film sees a different artist lend their talents – to varying degrees of success. Bond 25 might bring out the big guns by recruiting none other than Beyonce to sing the tune. Arguably, Adele’s “Skyfall” is the bar for themes in the Craig era, so it’ll be interesting to see if Beyonce (or whoever takes the job) can try to match the Oscar winning number.

Read More: Beyonce Rumored To Record Bond 25 Theme Song

Bond 25’s Distribution Rights

Daniel Craig as James Bond in Skyfal

When Craig first took on the role in 2006’s Casino Royale, it marked the beginning of MGM’s partnership with Sony, who distributed the films worldwide. That contract was for four films, meaning it expired with the release of Spectre. Hollywood became embroiled in an intense bidding war for the Bond rights, with several major studios vying for the tentpole. In the end, it was indie upstart Annapurna Pictures that landed the domestic rights, with Universal securing international. Bond is one of the biggest properties worldwide, so there’s lots of money to be made here.

Read More: Bond 25 Production & Distribution Details Confirmed

Cary Fukunaga Directs Bond 25

Cary Fukunaga and Daniel Craig as James Bond

Originally, Oscar-winner Danny Boyle was pegged to direct Bond 25, but he departed due to creative differences with the producers and Craig. EON quickly put together a search for a replacement and landed on True Detective’s Cary Fukunaga, who also directed the Netflix film Beasts of the Southern Wild. He becomes the first American to call the shots on a Bond film and should offer a unique perspective.

Read More: Cary Fukunaga Is The Answer to All Bond 25’s Problems

Neal Purvis & Robert Wade Write Bond 25

Daniel Craig Bond

When Boyle was attached, the Bond 25 script was set to be written by Trainspotting scribe John Hodge – injecting the franchise with some much-needed new blood in regards to writing. But now that Boyle has left the project, it’s reasonable to assume Hodge is going with him. That’s precisely what’s happening, as reports indicate franchise veterans Neal Purvis and Robert Wade (who have written every Bond film since 1999) are returning.

Read More: James Bond Desperately Needs New Writers

Bond 25 Begins Filming March 2019

Skyfall star Ben Whishaw cast in Mary Poppins Returns

Bond 25 was originally supposed to start filming by the end of this year, but that isn’t happening anymore. As EON conducted their director search, Craig signed on for Rian Johnson’s mystery-thriller Knives Out, which begins production in November. Obviously, MI6 needs to wait for their leading man to be free. Coinciding with the Fukunaga announcement, the studio confirmed production will begin in March 2019.

Read More: Daniel Craig Teams With Rian Johnson For Knives Out

Bond 25 Does Not Have a Trailer or Poster

Daniel Craig in the Skyfall Poster

Since the film hasn’t started shooting yet, there are no marketing materials available. Odds are, nothing will come out until late 2019 after production wraps.

More Bond 25 News

  • Naomi Harris Unsure If She’s Returning
  • Christopher Nolan ‘Categorically’ Rules Himself Out As Bond Director
  • James Bond Movie Rights Could Be Part of MGM Sale

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Key Release Dates

  • Bond 25
    Release Date:
