The 10 Best Kills In Horror Movies From The Past Decade

The 10 Best Kills In Horror Movies From The Past Decade

This past decade brought some of the best horror movies with original concepts, book adaptions, and Netflix originals that frightened viewers to the core. Each one brought some terrifying villains and monsters that reminded audiences to steer clear of creepy old houses and festivals in the middle of nowhere (looking at you, Midsommar). Whether it’s a slasher, suspense or supernatural, these horror movies did well in terms of picking off victims one by one until the protagonist is left with slim chances of escaping (don’t worry, 90% of the time they escape the clutches of evil).

From the 80’s slasher films to the gorefest flicks today, the horror genre has come a long way in storytelling and killing for that matter. With that, here are the 10 best horror movie kills from the past decade.

It – Georgie

The 10 Best Kills In Horror Movies From The Past Decade

Stephen King’s 1000+ page novel was revived once more with Bill Skarsgard taking on the role of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. His introduction was nothing short of nightmare-inducing. Innocent Georgie just wanted to watch his paper boat float down the water stream, only to have it fall into the sewer. With Pennywise waiting, Georgie was no match for the manipulative beast, snatching him and biting his arm off.

The TV adaption had the decency to imply Georgie’s death, but the 2017 version wanted the audience to feel the evil and remorselessness of the creature. This set the tone for the rest of the movie as well as the sequel released this past year.

Doctor Sleep – Rose The Hat

The long-awaited sequel to the cult classic, Doctor Sleep brought the masterful horrors of Stephen King back to the big screen. The Shining was met with mixed reviews, especially from King, but Doctor Sleep managed to successfully work between the differences between the original story and cinematic adaption.

Rose, the leader of the True Knot, met a grizzly end as the ghosts of the Overlook Hotel end up saving Dan. What once tried to kill him inadvertently comes back to help, despite a near-death experience with them afterward. Dan unlocks his once hindered Shining ability to save himself and Abra, killing Rose in the process.

The Cabin In The Woods – Merman

This comedy-horror flick was better than expected, leaving fans with a new love for the horror genre. Bringing a plethora of monsters into the fold, the best one without a doubt was the Merman. Technician Bradley was dying to see the Merman in action but unfortunately didn’t until his untimely demise at the hands of the beloved beast. More comedic than brutal, the death was a perfect “be careful what you wish for” for the God-worshipping cult.

The Witch – Baby Sam

You know a horror movie is worthy of praise when Stephen King admits being scared by it. This was the case with The Witch, which relied on atmosphere and a nightmare-inducing score to frighten viewers rather than jump scares and blood.

Baby Samuel met a terrible fate in the hands of the witch, being ground into pieces with his fat being used to make her broom fly. This sets the tone for the rest of the movie, making the woods look even scarier.

Get Out – Jeremy

Jordan Peele’s Get Out proved he’s capable of much more than just comedy. The Stepford Wives inspired horror flick reminded fans that the suburbs are just as dangerous as a cemetery, with secrets and evil lurking behind every corner. With Chris Washington on the verge of escaping, he has to face every family member including the much-hated Jeremy. Defiant to the end, Chris was determined to escape, and Jeremy was no match for him. With a pair of scissors, Chris takes his joints out of the equation and beats him to death. Horrible, but well deserved.

Midsommar – Simon

Ari Aster’s Midsommar was one of the most anticipated horror movies of 2019, bringing with it some of the most brutal deaths of the decade. Simon endured arguably one of the most painful deaths known to man. The infamous Viking torture method known as the Blood Eagle looks to cut open a person’s back, pushing the ribs backward and exposing major organs.

The skin is tied to the person’s side, giving them the look of a bird’s wings. Meanwhile, Simon is left alive for the entire experience, barely breathing but conscious enough to feel every ounce of pain.

Halloween – Oscar

The true sequel to the original 1978 cult classic, Halloween brought one of the most famous villains in cinema history back to the big screen. Michael Myers’ silent demeanor is still terrifying today but what’s worse is the pain felt by his victims. Poor Oscar thought he had a chance with Allyson having just dumped her boyfriend, but boy was he wrong. Michael Myers decided to play with his prey before the killing, using lights and quick movements to confuse the poor boy. Oscar is met with a fence pole in the face instead of a date with Allyson. See what happens when you shoot your shot?

Sinister – Lawnmower Scene

Sinister brought snuff film horror into the mainstream again with this suspense-filled thriller. Each family who owned the house was killed horrifically by their children under the possession of the demon, Bughuul.

For the handful of gory deaths seen in this movie, the lawnmower scene takes the crown. What begins as a tape showing a lawnmower doing its job slowly turns sinister (get it?) as it rolls over a family member’s face. Frightening, intense, and creative, this scene was one of the scariest, pushing Elliot over the edge in the midst of writing his book.

Apostle – The Drill

One of the lesser-known titles on this list, Apostle brought the horrors of an overzealous colony ruled by a faulty religion to life. The drilling scene had audience members on the verge of vomiting with the act itself shown up close and in detail. What’s even worse is the victim’s innocence in the midst of it all, framed for the murder of the woman he loved. Terrifying and brutal, Apostle is without a doubt one of the best Netflix produced horror films with scenes like this. However, this is just one of the gory scenes found within. Try watching the rest without looking away.

Bone Tomahawk – Scalping

Troglodytes attack a man inside of a cave from Bone Tomahawk

Anyone whose seen Bone Tomahawk knows about “that” scene, earning it’s notoriety instantly when it hit theatres. With a group of cannibals on the loose, there’s no knowledge of what atrocities they’re capable of. That is until the scalping scene. The score, sound effects, and realistic props and blood were enough to convince people of how deranged this group of cannibals was, cutting away without hesitation. Bone Tomahawk deserves more credit for being one of the best horror movies of the decade, not to mention boasting an all-star cast with some meeting a horrible end.