“It’s Time for the Human Race to End”: 1 Classic Titans Villain’s Shocking Alien Upgrade Endangers the Entire DCU

“It’s Time for the Human Race to End”: 1 Classic Titans Villain’s Shocking Alien Upgrade Endangers the Entire DCU

Warning: Contains spoilers for Titans: Beast World #1

Though the Titans now serve as the heroes at the forefront of the DC Universe, the team still has a number of villains they face from their past as the Teen Titans. One such villain, Brother Blood, has been a persistent thorn in the team’s side since nearly the beginning — and he is now an even bigger threat than ever before.

After being rebranded as Brother Eternity (now the figurehead of the Church of Eternity rather than the Church of Blood), the Titans’ staple villain has been making big waves in the DC Universe. Recently, in Titans #5 by Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott, Annette Kwok, and Wes Abbott, the new Brother Eternity is revealed to be a secret Tamaranean, disguising himself as a human in a bid to end the human race.

“It’s Time for the Human Race to End”: 1 Classic Titans Villain’s Shocking Alien Upgrade Endangers the Entire DCU

Following this issue, Brother Eternity makes another big move in the pages of Titans: Beast World #1 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, and Danny Miki, where the now-alien cult leader nearly brings about the end of the world by releasing an ancient Tamaranean evil known as the Necrostar.

Featured Image: DC's new major villain, Doctor Hate


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Titans’ Enemu Brother Eternity Is a Massive Step Up from Brother Blood

Titans 6 Main Cover: Starfire being held back from punching Brother Eternity by Donna Troy and Cyborg.

The original Brother Blood, Sebastian Blood VIII, first appeared as part of Marv Wolfman and George Perez’s defining Titans run in The New Teen Titans #21. The character first appeared as the leader and priest of the Church of Blood, a cult of fanatics driven by Brother Blood’s campaign for power across the globe. Since this initial appearance, there have been a number of characters filling the name or role of Brother Blood as a recurring adversary for the Titans, such as Sebastian Blood IX and Mother Blood. The character historically has a variety of different powers, including hypnosis, strength, and sorcery.

In Titans #2 by Taylor, Scott, and Kwok, a new Brother Blood is officially introduced to the DC universe for the current Dawn of DC initiative: Brother Eternity. Brother Eternity claims to have noble aspirations for his new Church of Eternity, announcing plans to change the world for the better by preserving humanity. The act is quickly revealed to be a front, however, as Brother Eternity uses an alien parasite to control former Titans member Tempest’s mind, nearly succeeding in an attempt to kill the Flash. Between his still-myserious Tamaranean origins and his already impressive track record, it seems Eternity is even stronger than his powerful predecessors.

Brother Eternity Just Triggered a World-Ending Titans Event

Comic book panels: Brother Eternity Summons the Necrostar

The true nature of Brother Eternity’s machinations takes place in the Beast World event, where he successfully resurrects the ancient Tamaranean enemy known as the Necrostar, a mind-controlling alien parasite rivaling Starro. Though Necrostar is defeated quickly by the Titans and other heroes, Eternity successfully unleashes a world-conquering threat that opens the door for Beast Boy’s eventual corruption. In just a short amount of time, the Tamaranean villain has proven himself able to defeat multiple Titans and garnered the attention of superheroes across the world. The Titans have always had troubling run-ins with Brother Blood, but the character’s alien upgrade makes him a villain the entire DCU should fear.

Titans: Beast World #1 (2023)

Titans: Beast World 1 Main Cover: Costumed superheroes battle tentacles.

  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Penciller: Ivan Reis
  • Inker: Danny Miki
  • Colorist: Brad Anderson
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson