It’s Suicide Squad vs. Teen Titans for a Young Hero’s Soul

It’s Suicide Squad vs. Teen Titans for a Young Hero’s Soul

It’s Suicide Squad vs. Teen Titans for a young hero’s soul in an upcoming crossover issue of Suicide Squad. A storyline revealed in Future State could come to fruition as a result. The future is at stake in Suicide Squad #3

Bolt was introduced during DC Comics’ Future State event, in which a potential future for the heroes and villains of DC’s universe was revealed. However, this future is not set in stone and could still be avoided. First appearing in Future State: Suicide Squad #1, Bolt had a rough past. She was a criminal who joined the Teen Titans before ultimately being recruited by Amanda Waller for the Suicide Squad. There, she served as their version of the Flash.

The summary for Suicide Squad #3 is available and it reveals that the events of Future State could be put into motion sooner than later. This issue – written by Robbie Thompson with art by Eduardo Pansica – will cross over with Teen Titans Academy and focus on Bolt. Bolt just joined the Teen Titans and already she’s going to find herself at a crossroads: one that will determine not just her future, but potentially those of the Teen Titans around her. Despite being a new character, she may already have a big choice to make. Check out the cover for Suicide Squad #3 and the issue summary:

It’s Suicide Squad vs. Teen Titans for a Young Hero’s Soul

Don’t miss this crossover with Teen Titans Academy! Task Force X finds a new target, and it leads the clandestine team right to Teen Titans Academy. The devious and driven Amanda Waller continues her quest to form a more powerful Squad, and next on her list: the Titans’ new speedster, Bolt. But when the mysterious Red X gets in the way, he becomes Waller’s next target.

Bolt revealed in Future State that she had been trying to turn her life around. As of yet, her past has not been revealed. She is presently a student at Teen Titans Academy but much else is known about her since Teen Titans #1 had a broader scope. What is known, based on this summary, is that the Teen Titans aren’t the only ones interested in Bolt. Amanda Waller spends quite a bit of time recruiting her teams and Bolt has made her list of potentials. Waller is a master manipulator, so it wouldn’t be too far-fetched that she could make the young hero believe that she was doing something right by joining the task force. In Future State, Waller succeeded at recruiting Bolt to the team and away from the Teen Titans.

Bolt has a big choice to make going forward. Future State: Suicide Squad revealed that she wants to be a hero – not a criminal. She wants to do the right thing. If she was with the Teen Titans, then something must have gone wrong within the academy or among her peers to make her believe that it wouldn’t allow her to make as big of an impact. Waller also could have made it seem like the opportunity she was offering would allow Bolt to have a bigger role. Task Force X’s master schemer knows how to make enticing deals. Bolt seems to genuinely want to be a good person, so her roundabout corruption would be a major step towards DC’s dark future, one which Red X may somehow help prevent from happening. The fight between the Teen Titans and the Suicide Squad has the potential to change the future.