It’s Official: Anakin’s Post-Order 66 Plan Makes No Sense

It’s Official: Anakin’s Post-Order 66 Plan Makes No Sense

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Obi-Wan Kenobi

Revenge of the Sith provided a relatively reasonable, if slightly light-weight explanation for Anakin’s original post-Order 66 plan with Padmé, but one line from Obi-Wan Kenobi has completely undermined a key aspect of his strategy. After swearing his allegiance to Palpatine in a bid to save his wife, Anakin carried out a series of gruesome missions on his new Emperor’s behalf. It was only after an intervention from Obi-Wan on Mustafar that Anakin’s original vision for a future with Padmé truly unraveled. But, while he couldn’t have predicted his need for a life-support suit after the duel, one part of his rebirth as Darth Vader doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

A key question raised throughout Obi-Wan Kenobi is who exactly knew Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker. The revelation that Anakin is alive had a huge impact on the titular protagonist at the end of episode 2, highlighting that Vader’s true identity is not widely known in the galaxy. This fact is reinforced once again in Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 5, when Obi-Wan asks Reva “you knew who Vader was – back on Daiyu – how did you know that?“, highlighting how even among the ranks of the Inquisitors, the truth is a closely guarded secret. Yet, aside from raising serious narrative consistency concerns, this desire for secrecy also shows a major flaw in Anakin’s plan.

In his exchange with Reva, Obi-Wan continues, “Vader would have kept that hidden” in reference to his true identity. This suggests a desire to distance himself from being Anakin Skywalker in the aftermath of Order 66 in order to start a-fresh as Palpatine’s right-hand man. Yet this plan makes no sense, as, without the signature Vader suit to disguise him, he would have been instantly recognizable as one of the Clone Wars’ most famous fighters – even with the name change. As he had no way of predicting that he would need to be behind a mask for the rest of his life, his stated desire to keep his life as Anakin hidden seems to stretch the realms of credulity to breaking point.

It’s Official: Anakin’s Post-Order 66 Plan Makes No Sense

Both the prequel series and wider Star Wars media make it clear that Anakin Skywalker was a famous figure throughout the galaxy. Not only was he a legendary warrior in the Clone Wars, fighting alongside many different allies, but he was also a prominent face in Coruscant high society – mixing with Republic senators even before falling into Palpatine’s thrall. The idea that no one would have been able to recognize him after dropping the Anakin Skywalker moniker in favor of Darth Vader seems virtually impossible.

Were it not for his defeat on Mustafar, any hope Anakin had of fully reinventing himself would have been lost. But the circumstances of that defeat, and their mask-wearing consequences, were completely outside of his control. Of course, given the emotional intensity of his Revenge of the Sith fall, it’s perfectly possible that Anakin wasn’t capable of thinking rationally about what persona he’d take in the new Empire. Yet Obi-Wan and Reva’s exchange makes it clear that hiding “Anakin” would have always been a key priority. As the realities of that plan prove, such an outcome would have been impossible, were it not for a twist of fate. Adding extra layers to Star Wars lore always runs the risk of raising more questions than answers. In this case, Obi-Wan Kenobi has proved definitively that Anakin’s intended outcome after falling to the dark side was always doomed to fail.

Obi-Wan Kenobi continues Wednesday on Disney+.

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