It’s Not Just You, Discord Is Down For A Lot Of People Right Now

It’s Not Just You, Discord Is Down For A Lot Of People Right Now

Discord has risen as one of the most popular messaging platforms on the internet. Unfortunately, the service is broken and not working for a lot of users this afternoon. The internet can be a pretty fragile place at times. Bad actors run scams and phishing attacks, faulty code causes unexpected bugs, and infrastructure issues aren’t uncommon. When added together, it’s no surprise that things don’t always work.

2021 alone was filled with outage after outage. In June 2021, an issue with Fastly servers caused a huge chunk of the internet to go offline — including Amazon, Spotify, Twitch, PayPal, Reddit, and tons of other sites. There was also a major issue with Facebook services in October 2021, followed by three AWS outages just in December. In other words, it was a pretty rocky year.

Now, on February 15, 2022, it looks like the bad times have come to strike again. As of 11:25 PST, Discord’s status page was updated to confirm the company is investigating ‘general API and session issues.’ More specifically, Discord is “looking into issues with people sending messages, logging in, streaming videos, etc.” A quick look at Twitter confirms just as much. ‘#Discorddown’ started trending shortly after Discord announced the issue, with thousands of users reporting them having trouble with the app.

What’s Causing This Latest Outage

It’s Not Just You, Discord Is Down For A Lot Of People Right Now

So, what in the world is going on? As of right now, it’s a bit unclear. Discord’s website doesn’t offer much insight into the problem, instead blaming ‘API and session issues.’ The DownDetector website shows a spike in outage complaints for Amazon Web Services right around the time Discord went down, suggesting that the two may be related.

Whatever the reason is, the good news is that Discord’s already in the process of fixing things. As of 11:45 PST, Discord confirmed it’s now in the Monitoring phase of repairs. According to the company, “We think we’ve determined and rolled back the problem. Keeping an eye on the fix and the recovery!” There’s no ETA for when things will start working again, but it sounds like things should gradually be coming back online sooner rather than later. Outages like this are never fun or enjoyable, but at the very least, it seems to have been something fairly easy for Discord to address. If your Discord apps are still broken, give them a few minutes to get back to normal, and then try again!