“It’s Got To Be You”: Wolverine Names the 1 Hero He Trusts to Replace Him When He Dies

“It’s Got To Be You”: Wolverine Names the 1 Hero He Trusts to Replace Him When He Dies

Warning: SPOILERS for Wolverine #41

Wolverine is frequently referred to as the best there is at what he does, and as such, he’s always played a unique role within Marvel’s X-Men. Though typically portrayed as a loner, there’s little that Logan cares about more than his family. When it comes to protecting them after he’s long gone, Wolverine has made it clear there’s one specific member of his brood he considers his family’s ultimate protector.

Wolverine #41 – by Benjamin Percy, Victor LaValle, Geoff Shaw, Cory Smith, Oren Junior, and more – finds a contemplative Logan making the rounds of the Krakoan Green House. Thanking his daughter Laura for her work with X-Force, Logan reaffirms the one-time X-23, and current Wolverine, as his one true successor.

“It’s Got To Be You”: Wolverine Names the 1 Hero He Trusts to Replace Him When He Dies

He goes so far as to say, “It’s got to be you…who doesn’t just take my place but does it better than I ever could have.” Clearly, Laura is no stranger to the role of Marvel’s primary Wolverine, but it’s clear that the weight of Logan’s request is a little different this time.

Featured Image: close up of Wolverine brandishing his adamantium claws.


“You’re One of His Cubs”: Wolverine Officially Considers an Underrated Hero His Son

Wolverine has frequently declared himself a loner, yet has a habit of bonding with and mentoring mutant kids in need – including the difficult ones.

The Younger Wolverine Has Long Since Proven Herself

Wolverine (left) and the X-Force incarnation of his

Having been operating as Wolverine for years now, ever since Logan’s death prior to the Krakoan Era, Laura has replaced Logan before, and she obviously doesn’t need his blessing. Even so, Wolverine the elder has made it clear time and again throughout the Krakoan Era that he more than approves his daughter taking the name Wolverine, long believing that she’s more than earned the title. But while Laura’s initial tenure as Wolverine was great for her own personal growth and for honoring her father, what Logan’s asked of her now is much bigger. This time, Logan is asking her to be Wolverine not just for herself – or for him – but for their entire people.

The Wolverine will always be a fierce protector of mutantkind, and ultimately, Laura is the best possible option to continue her father’s legacy as well as her own even more so than Wolverine’s other children. After all, while they’ve recently been on the mend, Logan hasn’t always had the easiest relationship with his son Fang, who’s currently otherwise occupied, and Laura’s younger sister Gabbie is far too young to become the main Wolverine moving forward. And while Laura’s older duplicate, Talon, could theoretically reclaim her Wolverine identity, she’s already made it clear that she’s outgrown that identity after having spent centuries in the Vault, and she’s looking to forge her own future.

The Former X-23 Is Destined To Be The Best There Ever Was

Featured Image: side-by-side of Laura Kinney out of costume, and in costume as Talon

Wolverine may be Marvel’s most ruthless killer – the best there is, at what he does – but that won’t always be the case. Eventually, Logan will take a hit from which even he won’t be able to recover. When that time comes, the X-Men and, mutantkind at large, with need a new Wolverine, willing to fight tooth and adamantium claw to protect their very existence. In this case, it is clear that the best person for the job is the one that already has it. Even Marvel’s first, most famous Wolverine knows that the only person who can truly surpass him as the X-Men’s benevolent berserker is his daughter, Laura Kinney.

Wolverine #41 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.

Wolverine #41 (2024)

cover for Wolverine #41

  • Writers: Benjamin Percy, Victor LaValle
  • Artists: Geoff Shaw, Cory Smith
  • Inker: Oren Junior
  • Colorist: Alex Sinclair
  • Letterer: Cory Petit
  • Cover Artists: Leinil Francis Yu, Romulo Fajardo Jr.