“Isn’t This So Great?”: Adam Driver Promises Harrison Ford Loves Star Wars More Than You Think

“Isn’t This So Great?”: Adam Driver Promises Harrison Ford Loves Star Wars More Than You Think

Kylo Ren actor Adam Driver has recalled memories from Star Wars: The Force Awakens that he shared with Harrison Ford, revealing that the latter may not be as cynical about Star Wars as many first thought. Adam Driver may potentially return for upcoming Star Wars movies, though until this is confirmed, the actor has often reminisced about shooting the sequel trilogy. Should Driver return, his role in Rey’s new Jedi Order Star Wars movie will be very different from his experience on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, notably through the lack of presence of Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

In an interview on The Rich Eisen Show, Driver opened up about filming Han Solo’s climactic death scene with Ford. Since the days of the original trilogy, many have assumed that Ford has grown cynical about his experiences in Star Wars, something Driver’s words seem to contradict. When speaking about his experiences opposite Ford on the set of The Force Awakens, Driver had this to say:

“There’s so much Star Wars iconography in Harrison Ford, that you want to try stay focused. But from what I remember, that day was mostly about Harrison… it was an emotional thing. It was him and his son, and me and his father… And I remember we were on this big catwalk where they were shooting it, where him and I were talking, and he was, like, looking around, and he goes, ‘Look what we get to do. Isn’t this so great?’ And I would think that he would be cynical or over it, and it was the exact opposite. He was very emotional and open… He was so excited, like, how lucky he was to be shooting this movie and this character, and how great filmmaking is. It was very earnest and uncynical, and pretty great. My memories of that were actually very nice, regardless of stabbing him and all that.”

As evident by Driver’s comments, the snide remarks Ford has made over the years regarding Star Wars seemingly do not reflect how the iconic actor feels whenever he experiences the magic of filmmaking. While it is likely that the intangible captivating feeling of Star Wars fades for different cast and crew members after producing each film, it is heartwarming to know that the Han Solo performer Harrison Ford found the beauty in his experiences, especially in a scene as impactful as Han’s death in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

“Isn’t This So Great?”: Adam Driver Promises Harrison Ford Loves Star Wars More Than You Think


Star Wars: Kylo Ren Is The Sequel Trilogy’s Biggest Success

The Star Wars sequel trilogy has many story and character flaws – but Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren is easily Lucasfilm’s biggest success in these films.

Adam Driver Seems To Have Loved Working With Harrison Ford

Kylo Ren and Han Solo The Rise of Skywalker

What makes these revelations even better is how much Adam Driver seemed to love working with Harrison Ford. Their connection on-screen in The Force Awakens is one of the film’s strongest aspects concerning relationships, something that likely spawned out of Driver’s own connection with Ford. Thanks to the magic of being on a Star Wars set, Driver and Ford bonded throughout the shoot of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, something that evidently translated to their characters in both the film in question and the brief moment the two shared in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.