Is The New Profile Pic App On Android? Everything You Need To Know

Is The New Profile Pic App On Android? Everything You Need To Know

New Profile Pic is one of the biggest apps of the year — but can you use it if you have an Android device? Even in 2022, this is still a question that comes up with any new smartphone application. While most major apps are readily available on Android and iOS, some apps remain iPhone exclusive. This is true of Spam App, Happy Scale, Truth Social, and others. For smaller applications without huge developer teams, it sometimes makes sense to stay exclusive to iOS and not launch an Android counterpart.

One of the latest apps to take the world by storm is the New Profile Pic app. On the surface, New Profile Pic is pretty simple. You upload a picture of yourself, let New Profile Pic apply a cartoon filter to your photo, and you can then use that picture as your new profile photo on your social media pages. While that doesn’t sound particularly noteworthy, New Profile Pic has exploded as one of the hottest apps of 2022. It was the #1 free app on the iPhone App Store for part of 2022, and at the time of publication, it’s still the #5 most popular free app.

New Profile Pic has been an undeniable hit for iPhone users, but what about folks on Android? Unlike the apps mentioned above, New Profile Pic is available for Android devices. Furthermore, the New Profile Pic app on Android works exactly the same as it does on iOS — the only difference being the operating system it’s developed for. Since Android availability isn’t always guaranteed for smaller apps like New Profile Pic, seeing the app on Android is a great touch.

How To Get New Profile Pic On Your Android Phone

Is The New Profile Pic App On Android? Everything You Need To Know

If you have an Android phone and want to use New Profile Pic, getting started is no more difficult than any other application. Open the Play Store, tap the search bar at the top of the screen, and search ‘New Profile Pic.’ You’ll want to download the one called ‘NewProfilePic: Profile Picture.’ The app icon has a photo of someone against a yellow/white background, and the app is created by ‘Linerock Investments LTD.’ There are already some New Profile Pic imposters on the Play Store, so make sure to download the correct one.

After downloading New Profile Pic to your Android device, setting up the application is also quite easy. Upon opening New Profile Pic, users are asked to sign up for the New Profile Pic Pro subscription. Luckily, you can avoid this by tapping the ‘X’ icon in the top left corner. You can then tap the green ‘Choose Photo,’ button, select the photo you want to edit, and wait for New Profile Pic to apply its AI magic. Within a couple of seconds, you’ll have a profile picture that looks like a hand-drawn cartoon! And that’s really all there is to using New Profile Pic on Android. Find the app on the Play Store, download it, and start making new profile pictures for yourself.