Is Mushu In Mulan 2020? Live-Action Remake’s New Sidekick Explained

Is Mushu In Mulan 2020? Live-Action Remake’s New Sidekick Explained

Disney’s live-action remake of Mulan is very different from the 1998 animated film, and one of the big changes was completely removing Mulan’s dragon sidekick, Mushu. Unlike its animated predecessor, Mulan is much more faithful to the poem “The Ballad of Mulan” that both films are based on and is a much darker adaptation than the animated movie. Mulan still follows Hua Mulan as she joins the Imperial Army, impersonating a man so she can bring honor to her family. Unlike in the animated movie, the villains in Mulan are the historically accurate Rourans and are led by Bori Khan and the witch Xianniang.

Available exclusively on Disney+, Mulan is more like a serious war film than a Disney movie, partially because of the removal of Mushu. In the animated movie, Mulan was aided by Mushu: a talking dragon that is also the guardian of her ancestors and who was voiced by Eddie Murphy. After Mulan steals her father’s horse and armor, Mushu is sent by the ancestors to watch over her in battle – but it’s his nonstop jokes that are the highlight of the movie. Removing Mushu might have made the live-action remake more accurate to the source material, but his absence was keenly felt during the film.

Although Mushu doesn’t appear in the live-action Mulan, the guardian of Mulan’s ancestors is still a major part of the film. Instead of a dragon, however, it’s a phoenix. First appearing as a statue that a young Mulan breaks, the phoenix is brought to life and helps lead Mulan in the right direction at several pivotal points of the movie. Unlike Mushu, the phoenix is not a constant companion to Mulan throughout the film but instead appears only when she needs help or guidance. Most notably, the phoenix helps lead Mulan through the mountains when she is lost and appears again when the shape-shifting witch Xianniang tries to convince Mulan to join the Rourans. Mulan ends with a shot of the phoenix flying towards the sun after its heroine has returned home and fulfilled her destiny, and the guardian is no longer needed.

Is Mushu In Mulan 2020? Live-Action Remake’s New Sidekick Explained

There is an argument to suggest that the phoenix is supposed to replace Mushu as Mulan’s sidekick in the live-action film. Although Mushu and the phoenix are both guardians of the ancestors, and both are stone statues brought to life for Mulan’s protection, the phoenix is never a true replacement for Mushu. Mulan and the phoenix never really interact, compared with Mushu’s constant involvement in the animated film. While Mushu is directly responsible for multiple plot points, including coaching Mulan on behaving like a man and killing Shan Yu, the phoenix is a silent onlooker that occasionally nudges her in the right direction.

Removing Mushu from the live-action Mulan made it a more serious movie that was closer to the source material, but stripped the movie of the animated version’s whimsy and joy. The phoenix might be the closest thing Mulan has to a sidekick, but it almost never interacts with her and appears far less than Mushu did in the original film. Although the phoenix is definitely not a replacement for Mushu, it’s still a stunning addition to almost every pivotal scene in Mulan.