Iron Man vs Magneto Didn’t End How Everybody Thinks

Iron Man vs Magneto Didn’t End How Everybody Thinks

Marvel fans may be surprised to learn how the biggest fight between Iron Man and Magneto went down. Considering that Magneto’s specialty is manipulating metal, most readers like to assume that someone with a suit made of metal like Iron Man’s would not stand a chance against the master of magnetism.

Audiences who have read the 2012 Avengers vs. X-Men series (often shortened to AvX) depicting the fight between Magneto and Iron Man know just how well Tony Stark held his own. It’s also worth noting that, in addition to this bout, Magneto and Iron Man have traded blows numerous times in the past. Surprisingly, none of these battles end with the former balling the latter into a hunk of scraps, as so many readers might assume would happen.

Iron Man vs Magneto Didn’t End How Everybody Thinks

By examining the many fights between Magneto and Iron Man, it will become apparent why this is a closer contest than expected.

Close up images of Iron Man's helmet and Magneto's face in Marvel Comics art by Ross and Land


Iron Man & Magneto’s New Connection Permanently Rewrites Their Bond in Marvel Continuity

Iron Man and Magneto have faced off on more than one occasion, but the beef between these Marvel icons started based on their reputations alone.

What Happened in AvX Between Magneto and Iron Man

Panels from Avengers vs. X-Men #2 by Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Jonathan Hickman, Matt Fraction, John Romita Jr., Scott Hanna, Laura Martin, Chris Eliopoulos

The first time that Iron Man and Magneto cross paths in AvX comes in the second issue. Right after Cyclops deals the first blow against Captain America, the war between the X-Men and the Avengers rages on. Right after disposing of his future wife Emma Frost, Tony Stark’s suit starts getting an alert for “Extreme Magnetic Field Detected. Implementing Anti-Magnetism Safeguards.” Just like that, the fight is on, but it ends quickly once it’s interrupted by Quicksilver, who rushes to the scene upon seeing his father on the news.

While that issue only showcases glimpses of their fight, readers get a better look at the action in AvX: Vs #1 by Jason Aaron, Adam Kubert, and Morry Hollowell. In that issue’s story, “Invincible Iron Man vs. Magneto,” Magneto quickly discovers that Tony’s suit isn’t made of metal, but carbon nanotubes. Tony also takes advantage of some well-placed satellites that allow him to siphon the magnetic field of Jupiter, blasting Magneto. They trade blows until Magneto feels an entire planet destroyed by the Phoenix Force. He surrenders when he determines the war has grown bigger than the X-Men can handle.



The oldest and best-known adversary of the X-Men, Magneto has been a part of Marvel Comics since the mutant team was introduced. Bearing powers over magnetic fields, he views mutants as superior to normal humans, and aims to build a world where humans are dominant. The only thing stopping him is Professor X and his team of heroes.

When Else Have Iron Man and Magneto Fought Each Other?

While the winner is not as decisive as some readers might hope when Magneto and Iron Man actually fight, it nonetheless proves that Iron Man would never go down easily. It’s difficult to even say that Iron Man actually wins, since he essentially has his victory handed to him. However, he brings enough toys out to play with that a fair win for Tony is a very real possibility, had the Phoenix’s shenanigans not interrupted them. It’s also worth noting that this is far from the only time that the two have tussled on-panel.

Elsewhere, during the House of M storyline, Iron Man proves once again that he not only stands a chance against Magneto, but why Magneto might never actually beat him in a fight. During Greg Pak and Pat Lee’s limited series, Iron Man: House of M, a gladiator-style Iron Man squares up with Magneto while donning an anti-mutant suit of armor. Much like how Tony’s suit in AvX is made of carbon nanobots, this one exists to counter magnetism, meaning Magneto’s powers are completely useless and unusable in this fight.

Why Can’t Magneto Beat Iron Man?

Tony & Max’s Fights Have A Running Theme

iron man vs magneto fight from avx 6

If there is one running theme in both of these fights, it is that Iron Man showcases impeccable planning and prep time in both scenarios. It’s been established before just how hyper-aware Tony must be if he’s going to fight Max. Given that most of his suits are made of metal, getting into a fist fight with a master metal manipulator wouldn’t be in Iron Man’s best interests, at least going in blind. He’s had nightmares of Magneto killing him, so he is extremely aware of just how easily Magneto could defeat him, much like most readers are.

As a result, Iron Man prioritizes contingency plans for Magneto, wearing suits that are effectively Magneto-proof whenever he expects there is at least a small chance he might be forced into a physical confrontation with Magneto. That is what makes it difficult to face off with someone like Tony Stark on any given day. He is so skilled at creating new technologies that he is essentially able to prepare for any situation. His forward-thinking nature and genius-level intellect allow him to plan and prepare far in advance for any dire scenarios he’s likely to encounter.

Iron Man in Marvel Comic Book Cover Art

Iron Man

Anthony “Tony” Edward Stark, AKA Iron Man, is a Marvel Comics superhero who has enjoyed several years of the spotlight and has become a mainstay in several Marvel media franchises. After suffering a critical injury, Tony creates a specialized armored suit powered by an arc reactor, which keeps him alive. Egotistical but good-hearted, Tony utilizes his super intellect and inventions to fight to protect humanity from various threats, eventually becoming a founding member of the Avengers. In 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was kicked off with the film Iron Man, which starred Robert Downey Jr. as the superhero.

The Growing Relationship Between Magneto and Iron Man

The Makings of a Beautiful Friendship

iron man vs magneto fight from avx 2

As said before, Magneto is the subject of a recurring nightmare for Iron Man. Magneto poses such a major threat to Iron Man that he cannot stop thinking about preparing for him. Naturally, Magneto has therefore become Iron Man’s worst enemy in many ways, even when the two do not frequently run into each other. However, in more recent times, the two are becoming more and more intrinsically linked to one another. After all, Tony has basically married into the mutant family now that he is married to Emma Frost, a frequent collaborator, teammate, and ally of Magneto.

In that regard, Iron Man and Magneto are practically in-laws now. All jokes aside, the fight against the mutant hate group Orchis is enough to naturally bring Iron Man and Magneto closer together, especially while the latter is in the midst of his resurrection to return to the land of the living. Most recently, in Invincible Iron Man #17, as Tony is battling Orchis and Feilong’s horde of Sentinels, who better to show up to the rescue at the very end than Magneto? Even better, it’s Emma Frost who sent Magneto her husband’s way.

Magneto and Iron Man have been at odds with each other on and off for years, but now, it’s possible that their relationship will blossom in new ways. Perhaps due to the nature of their fights, where both men are evenly matched despite Tony putting Max at a disadvantage every time, there has to be a mutual respect factor that will become prevalent between the two in these upcoming comics. While Iron Man has yet to outright beat Magneto and the question of who wins remains unsettled, their fights will formulate the basis for what could be Marvel’s strongest partnership.