Iron Man: The MCU Doesn’t Understand Tony Stark’s Legacy At All

Iron Man: The MCU Doesn’t Understand Tony Stark’s Legacy At All

Despite Iron Man being the founding stone of the franchise, the MCU simply doesn’t understand Tony Stark’s legacy at all. After his tragic death at the end of Avengers: Endgame, Stark may be gone, but his memory and the monuments to his deeds live on, but the idea of Tony needing a “replacement” never quite worked.

Tony Stark’s arc in the MCU is one of a man cursed. Thanos alludes to his misery in the now infamous “cursed by knowledge” parallel the mad Titan drew between the two in Infinity War,  but by then it was already well-established. Stark had fought since his revelatory moment in Iron Man against the idea of becoming his father and repeating his perceived sins, or allowing more sins to be done in the Stark name. He wrestled control of Stark Industries back from Obadiah Stane for that very reason, but the cost of him choosing a more moral life for himself was the curse of being a hero. From that point on, Stark’s need to save the universe – sometimes from itself – was all-consuming: it ruined his relationships, it ruined his mind and it was only when it was forcibly removed that Tony was able to have some semblance of a happy life.

But then, in Captain America: Civil War, in the interest of bringing a blue chip player to the MCU, Marvel gave Tony Stark a new sidekick in the shape of Spider-Man, the kid hero who Iron Man could immediately mentor. The damage that dynamic did to Spider-Man is one sorry downside to an otherwise great marketing decision, but it also never made sense for Tony either. The idea that his life was ruined by an obsession with being Iron Man – which was entirely unsubtly paralleled with an actual disease in Iron Man‘s sequels – and that it could only with his death really does not fit with the idea that he would somehow want to pass on the mantle to another hero. Tony Stark’s curse, which isolated him and manifested more than once in his desire to die a saviour so that nobody else would have to, was not something he should ever have been happy to pass on.

Iron Man: The MCU Doesn’t Understand Tony Stark’s Legacy At All

Spider-Man’s original job in Civil War was to be a battle nerf – a distraction technique designed by Stark to neutralise Captain America who he knew would pull his punches against a kid. It wasn’t wholly unsuccessful, even if the airport battle wasn’t enough to stop Bucky and Cap escaping on Zemo’s trail, but it set a dangerous precedent. Despite Spider-Man being a great and beloved superhero on his own terms, he was shackled to Iron Man, limiting his potential as his own hero. He’s still in that shadow now. But Tony’s decision to even bring Peter Parker in as his sidekick never made sense, which is why his initial reluctance in Homecoming was how the arc should have continued. Tony should have fought more against Peter moulding himself in his image and he absolutely should not have left Spider-Man E.D.I.T.H. as a sort of legacy gift.

The MCU simply does not understand that Tony Stark’s legacy was in his family. Morgan Stark not following in his footsteps, is one thing, but her even existing as a mark of him being able to remove himself from his obsession for a brief period of happiness is what should have counted for more. Iron Man was always a curse and the universe’s safety was a burden that ultimately crushed Tony and the franchise carefully navigated the character through stories that expressly outlined how toxic his obsession with heroism was. For that to count for absolutely nothing simply to give Spider-Man some cool tech and to replace the father figure the MCU so willingly cut out of his story in Uncle Ben is a betrayal. Particularly as Stark’s seeming endorsement of Spider-Man as the “next Iron Man” makes him a pretty terrible father figure.