Iron Man Just Got $65 Billion Richer

Iron Man Just Got  Billion Richer

One of the richest characters in the Marvel Universe, Iron Man‘s wealth even rivals that of Batman. Tony Stark is rich – it’s his super power. With a vast fortune at his disposal, his abilities are only limited by his imagination. And he just got a hell of a lot richer when he sold Stark Unlimited, and with this windfall of cash and his new found free-time, anything is possible.

Tony Stark has previously been valued as a billionaire, worth $12.4 billion, to be exact. His wealth and company, Stark Unlimited has enabled him to build countless suits and weapons to defend the Earth from the universe’s greatest threats – both domestic and alien. But in the final issue of Iron Man 2020, readers find Tony Stark giving up the business to his trusted Robotics Scientist Andy Bhang. Now, in the preview to Iron Man #1, which teases Tony Stark is going “back to basics,” it is revealed that Tony did not simply bequeath his business to Andy, but he is also selling all his shares in the business – for a whopping $65 billion!

After the fall of Arno Stark and Sunset Bain, a regrown Tony Stark regained control of Stark Unlimited. However he decided that the company has too much baggage to continue being a viable brand moving forward after everything his brother Arno did. Tony is done with 2020, so he hands the keys to the “kingdom” over to Andy, even renaming the company as Bhang Robotics as a surprise gift to cement the future direction of the company.

Iron Man Just Got  Billion Richer

In the preview to Iron Man #1 – written by Christopher Cantwell with art by Cafu and cover by Alex Ross – Iron Man is shown taking care of the villain Terrax all while doing some personal financing. As he deals blows against the villain, he finalizes his withdrawal as a board member from Stark Unlimited. Once the transaction is complete, he divests all his stocks in the company, for $65 billion of which he immediately aggressively reinvests $25 billion into the market – leaving him with $40 billion cash in the bank.

The preview ends with Tony giving an interview, where he describes why he is stepping away from technology all together. He gives his reasoning: machines should be building machines, and he should be focusing on what it is like to be human. Based on how Tony fought for A.I. rights during Iron Man 2020, his decision to step away holds true to the character growth he experienced. Tony now wants to spend his time getting back to his roots, and with $65 billion at his disposal, how hard could that be?

Iron Man #1 is coming this fall from Marvel Comics.