Invincible Season 2 Sets Up A Controversial Character’s Debut For Part 2

Invincible Season 2 Sets Up A Controversial Character’s Debut For Part 2

Invincible season 2, part 1 has ended, with the mid-season finale setting up the debut of an incredibly controversial character in season 2, part 2. Invincible is a pretty mature show, with its graphic violence being one of the reasons that the series is far more controversial than most other pieces of work in the superhero genre. However, one element from the Invincible comics is famously problematic, with fans of the series wondering how Amazon Prime Video’s adaptation will handle it. This troublesome character is just around the corner according to Invincible season 2, part 1, and here’s who they are and why they are so divisive.

Invincible season 2 is finally here, with the highly-anticipated continuation of Amazon Prime Video’s beloved animated superhero series now releasing on the streaming service. Invincible season 2 has been subject to a pretty unique release schedule, with the first half of the season releasing in late 2023, and the second half releasing in early 2024. Invincible season 2, part 1 has been packed full of new and returning storylines, with the series following up on Omni-Man’s battle with Invincible in Chicago while also introducing the mutliversal villain Angstrom Levy. However, an all-new threat is gearing up to make its Invincible season 2 debut.

Anissa Is The Viltrumite Warrior Who Will Monitor Mark’s Work On Earth In Part 2

Invincible Season 2 Sets Up A Controversial Character’s Debut For Part 2

Invincible season 2, part 2 will most likely introduce the Viltrumite warrior Anissa, a controversial character who is sent to monitor Mark’s work on Earth. Anissa is one of the many soldiers of the Viltrum Empire that Mark has to face off with throughout Invincible, but her role in the story makes her one of the most memorable ones. After Nolan is taken prisoner in Invincible season 2, episode 4, a Viltrumite named Kregg gives Mark a dark deal. Kregg explains that Nolan’s mission of taking over Earth has been passed on to Mark, with Mark having to make sure that the humans are ready to surrender to the Viltrumites.

The Viltrum Empire clearly does not trust Mark to actually come through on this deal, as they threaten to massacre the planet if they resist upon their arrival. In the comics, however, this isn’t their only precaution. The Viltrum Empire also sends a warrior named Anissa to Earth in order to monitor Mark, making sure that he is actually making progress on the takeover. Anissa is initially friendly with Mark, helping him fight a monster that is attacking a cruise ship. However, Anissa is unable to sway Mark to prepare Earth for takeover, with her reporting this news back to Kregg.

Why Anissa Became Such A Controversial Character In The Comics

Anissa soon became arguably the most controversial character in the Invincible comics, as she is the one behind the series’ infamous rape scene. Part of the mission of the Viltrum Empire is to breed with other genetically similar species and have half-Viltrumite children, allowing the ranks of the Viltrum Empire to grow. However, Anissa doesn’t want to have sex with humans. Instead, she tells Mark that she wants to have a child with him, as he is half-Viltrumite half-human. Mark refuses, but Anissa doesn’t care, with her proceeding to beat him and rape him.

This is easily one of the darkest scenes in Invincible, as the extended scene has disturbed viewers since the issue was published. Many readers have argued over whether the scene was even necessary, as it is a brutal depiction of sexual assault that doesn’t add much to the overall story. However, others have argued that the scene flips these types of scenes on their heads, showing that men can be the victims of sexual assault as well. Due to how infamous the scene has become, the idea of adapting it for the Amazon Prime Video series has been even more controversial, with many wondering how it will be done.

Anissa’s Role In Invincible Season 2 Part 2 Can Fix The Character’s Comic Story

Anissa in Invincible comic

Now that Invincible has the benefit of hindsight, Anissa’s role in Invincible season 2, part 2 can fix the character’s comic story. The Amazon series could omit the rape scene from the show entirely, avoiding the controversial moment. Invincible could also adjust its depiction of the rape of Mark in order to treat it more sensitively. It will be interesting to see how Invincible handles Anissa’s arc in the upcoming batch of episodes, as it will be the elephant in the room regarding the character until the show does something about it.

  • Invincible Season 3 Poster

    Release Date:

    Mark Hamill, Gillian Jacobs, Jon Hamm, Mae Whitman, Steven Yeun, Walton Goggins, Ezra Miller, Jonathan Groff, Sandra Oh, Djimon Hounsou, Khary Payton, Seth Rogen, Jeffrey Donovan, Sonequa Martin-Green, Mahershala Ali, Malese Jow, J. K. Simmons, Clancy Brown, Zazie Beetz, Zachary Quinto, Jason Mantzoukas, Nicole Byer

    Animation, Adventure, Action


    Based on the comic book character by Robert Kirkman, Invincible follows Mark Grayson, a seventeen-year-old who leads a seemingly average life save for the fact that he lives behind the shadow of his superhero father, Omni-Man. Mark goes on to develop superhuman abilities, but he must also learn that his father’s legacy isn’t as glitzy and glamorous as he’s been led to believe.The animated series boasts a star-studded cast that also includes Mark Hamill, Sandra Oh, and Mahershala Ali.

    Story By:
    Robert Kirkman

    Robert Kirkman

    amazon prime video

    Streaming Service(s):
    Amazon Prime Video

    Robert Kirkman

    Robert Kirkman