Invincible Doesn’t Respect Superman for 1 Reason

Invincible Doesn’t Respect Superman for 1 Reason

There’s an old saying that dictates the importance of respecting your elders; however, it appears that this adage was lost on Invincible, who holds little regard for Superman. Despite the Man of Steel’s iconic legacy, Kal-El still falls short in the eyes of Mark Grayson, all due to one simple reason – and his critique isn’t inaccurate; in fact, it’s hilariously true.

Marvel Team-Up Vol 3 #14 – brought to life by the creative team of Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Bill Crabtree – finds the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man’s path crossing with the perhaps too-candid hero, Invincible.

Invincible Doesn’t Respect Superman for 1 Reason

During their encounter, Invincible inadvertently ends up delivering a humorous critique of Superman, effectively shedding light on the one reason why he’d never be able to take the DC hero seriously.

Invincible Roasts Superman For His Lack Of Creativity

panels from Marvel Team-Up #14, Invincible accidentally offends Spider-Man by calling his superhero name lazy

In Marvel Team-Up Vol 3 #14, after Peter introduces himself as Spider-Man, Invincible can’t help but express his unfiltered opinion that ‘Spider-Man’ seems a little too on the nose for a guy with ‘spider powers.’ Mark, recognizing his unintentional offense, endeavors to backtrack and clarify his point. Attempting to extricate himself from his conversational quagmire, Invincible begins to rationalize his viewpoint, emphasizing his belief that superhero names that are excessively literal seem ‘lazy.’ He proceeds to craft an exaggerated example of the most ridiculous superhero name he can imagine, ultimately selecting ‘Superman,” underscoring what he thinks is a sheer lack of creativity involved in such an unimaginative alias.

Clearly, if Invincible did ever meet Superman, he would not be impressed with Kal-El’s choice of codename, and would probably never be able to take the Man of Steel seriously enough to form any kind of respect for the hero. Invincible’s inadvertent roast of Superman is undeniably hilarious. What amplifies the comedic effect is the kernel of truth residing within his critique of the pioneering comic book hero’s codename, ‘Superman.’ While the name carries with it an air of grandeur and strength, there’s no denying its extreme literalness, which, when viewed from a certain perspective, comes off as absurdly straightforward.

The DC And Marvel Universes Need More Crossoverspanels from Marvel Team-Up #14, Invincible meets Spider-Man

It’s open to speculation whether Mark Grayson would be as inclined to share his unfiltered thoughts with the Man of Steel himself. Such a meeting would another layer of intrigue to this already entertaining narrative. Playful banter between Marvel and DC, as exemplified in the pages of Marvel Team-Up Vol 3 #14, brings a delightful charm to comic book stories. Such exchanges are a compelling rationale for why the companies should collaborate in further crossover events. These interactions unite two iconic universes, as well as infusing a sense of camaraderie across fandoms. One thing is for sure: DC needs to depict Superman’s reaction to Invincible’s hot take on his codename.

Marvel Team-Up Vol 3 #14 is available now from Marvel.