Invasion Season 2 Episode 6 Recap & Ending Explained: Why Caspar’s Return Is So Important

Invasion Season 2 Episode 6 Recap & Ending Explained: Why Caspar’s Return Is So Important

Warning: This article contains major SPOILERS for Apple TV+’s Invasion season 2.

Invasion season 2 episode 6 takes one step closer to resolving the show’s overarching mysteries but keeps viewers on the tip of their toes by ending with a major cliffhanger. In its opening moments, Invasion season 2 episode 6 focuses on the Malicks and the members of the Movement who try to escape the aggressive evolved alien species. However, their attempt to escape abruptly stops when their car drifts off-road and crashes. In the meantime, Mitsuki explains how she was in the alien’s mind and prepares for another contact with the alien power source despite showing early signs of neurological damage.

After Jamila and her friends finally arrive in Paris, Jamila starts losing her connection with Caspar, wondering whether traveling to Paris was worth it. Things take a mysterious turn toward Invasion season 2 episode 6’s ending, however, when Mitsuki allows the alien to enter her mind, Luke somehow controls an alien, and Jamila finds Caspar alive. Here is what the three character storylines could mean in Invasion season 2 and how they will intersect and potentially unravel the motives of the aliens in Invasion.

Hinata’s Memory In Invasion Season 2 Episode 6 & Its Significance Explained

Invasion Season 2 Episode 6 Recap & Ending Explained: Why Caspar’s Return Is So Important

Following her strange experience with the alien energy source in Invasion season 2, episode 5’s ending, Mitsuki sets out to communicate with the alien again. After she has a brief interaction with the energy source, it convinces her to take off her helmet and seemingly enters her consciousness. With what follows, Mitsuki finds herself in Hinata’s childhood memory, where Hinata recalls her experience of flying a kite for the first time. In the dream sequence, Hinata tells Mitsuki that she often dreamed of flying above her home and feeling bad for all the people bound to the planet below her because they were “unable to understand how free it was above.

Although Mitsuki later snaps out of the dream sequence and says it is not real, it seems to reflect how the aliens perceive humans. They see them as creatures bound to their material surroundings, suffering every day because they have forgotten what it means to truly exist. Although the aliens’ motives are still ambiguous, it looks like they want to help humanity instead of destroying it. Before Mitsuki willingly leaves the dream sequence, the alien consciousness offers her freedom by asking her to stay. Mitsuki convinces herself that it is “not real” because her perception of reality revolves around the material world like everyone else, which is why humans like her are suffering.

How Did Luke Control The Alien In Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Luke looking up and talking to someone in Invasion

From its initial episodes, Apple TV+’s Invasion has hinted that some children are somehow connected to the aliens. While Caspar was the only one directly linked to the alien hive mind in Invasion season 1, season 2’s early episodes hinted that many other kids have psychic links to it. Ever since Luke has been using the alien claw in Invasion, he has also been hearing the voices of the aliens in his head and foreseeing the alien threats long before they strike. In Invasion season 2 episode 6, he predicts an alien attack again and stops one of the alien creatures using his mind.

He later says that he was in the creature’s head, confirming that he possesses the same abilities as Caspar. While it is yet to be soon how this connects to the grand scheme of things, Luke and Caspar’s powers are in tandem with the show’s ecological themes. Like the real world, where the future of Earth rests in the hands of the younger generation, only children like Caspar and Luke can save the planet from its imminent doom by making peaceful negotiations with the aliens through their psychic connections with them. The aliens are merely reflecting how humanity is treating them. When world leaders react with aggression, the aliens respond with more carnage. In contrast, when younger people like Luke respectfully request the aliens to back off, they peacefully comply.

How Has Caspar Returned (& What It Says About The Aliens In Invasion)

Caspar in Invasion season 2 episode 6's ending

Towards the end of Invasion season 2 episode 6, Jamila and her friends finally find Caspar in the abandoned hospital where he was previously being kept on life support. When they enter his ward, they find him scribbling something on the wall. Unfortunately, as soon as Jamila asks him what they should do next, the credits start rolling. Although the episode does not reveal how Caspar broke out of the alien’s hive mind and retained control over his human body, his return proves that he now has answers to how humans can better understand the aliens.

Caspar seems to be drawing a brainlike structure on the wall before Jamila and the others enter his room. Like his previous drawings, this could be another roadmap to what the aliens intend to do and how humans could find the key to truly understanding them. Given how Caspar says he could still hear the aliens all around him after escaping the hive mind, he may not have lost his connection with the alien consciousness. With the help of Luke and other psychic children like them, they may be able to stop the aliens. Not to mention, since Luke, Caspar, and Hinata have all found ways to establish communication with the aliens, it won’t be long before they will decode their intentions in Invasion season 2.