Interview: Dan Jurgens on Booster Gold and Blue Beetle’s Return

Interview: Dan Jurgens on Booster Gold and Blue Beetle’s Return

Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are starring in a brand new series from DC Comics, as one of comics greatest friendships continues to blossom in the new series. Blue & Gold tackles the two loveable heroes during the social media age and finds them working together once again. The series by Dan Jurgens, Ryan Sook, and Rob Leigh is a much-anticipated return for the characters – and the first chapter is a fun romp.

Jurgens, who first created Booster Gold more than 30 years ago, spoke to Screen Rant about returning to the heroes, admitting the series is long overdue. In the interview, Jurgens revealed the series will explore Booster Gold’s attempt to become a superhero influencer, tackle the duo’s place among their peers, and showcase some fun adventures for Booster and Blue Beetle.

What does it mean to be getting the chance to be revisiting these characters in their own series?

Dan Jurgens: It’s always good to get back to Booster and Blue Beetle. They have a fun, unique chemistry that I think people really enjoy.

It’s a project that is long overdue. DC and I first talked about BLUE & GOLD all the way back in the mid-80’s, and then again in the early 90’s. Something always seemed to come up that prevented us from getting it done, so it was nice to finally get around to it. And, fortunately for us, the time is right.

Was it as fun as it seems like it would be to write Booster Gold in the social media age?  He seems like a hero who would care very much about trending on Twitter or being a true ‘superhero influencer.’

Interview: Dan Jurgens on Booster Gold and Blue Beetle’s Return

Dan Jurgens: That’s something that is key to the series. Quite honestly, if I created Booster today instead of 1984, he really would be regarded as a “superhero influencer” who’d be very aware of his social media presence. It’s part of what makes Booster different, and perhaps even more relevant, from other characters.

What can you tell readers about Blue Beetle? He’s been through a lot in the past few years.

Dan Jurgens: Yes, poor Ted has really had a LOT thrown his way.

First of all, he’s alive, right? However, we recently caught wind of Ted’s heart problems in a recent issue of SUICIDE SQUAD so he now has that to deal with.

On top of that, he lost his father, and that will play a part in the series.

It’s important to know that Ted is very different that Booster. He’s more introverted and certainly more balanced, and it’s up to him to keep Booster centered.

Despite their history, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle don’t have a specific, defined place in the DC Universe right now– popping up mainly as supporting characters. How fun was it getting the chance to explore them in this title?

Dan Jurgens: There are times when our quest to tie every little thing together gets in the way of telling good stories.

Sometimes, it’s best to take a step back from that and focus on what’s right for the characters and their stories.

That’s what we’re doing here. Ryan and I are trying to create a book with its own unique atmosphere—one that is appropriate for the characters and telling the stories we want to tell. Obviously, they’re still part of the DCU. In fact, part of the story is their quest to become a bigger part of that.

Booster Gold and Blue Beetle have a very different relationship with the big players on DC’s Justice League. Does that difference get explored in this book?

Dan Jurgens: Very much so. Booster is a rather insecure person. He craves acceptance from the other heroes. He’s desperate to be regarded as an “A-Lister”.

Ted would like that as well, but he’s not an obsession for him. Booster, on the other hand, is desperate for it.

What can you tell us about working with Ryan Sook on this project?

Dan Jurgens: Ryan and I have worked together on FUTURES END, ACTION COMICS and BATMAN BEYOND. Every time I work with him, I am amazed by the quality of work and depth of thought that shows up on each and every page.

He’s very much into the spirit of this project and exploring the nature of these two characters. It’s a delight to see his work come in as we’re working Marvel style, and it’s really giving him the opportunity to add his magic touch.

Does writing these characters feel as good as it did 30 years ago? Familiar? New?

Dan Jurgens: It’s all of the above, Yes, there’s a level of familiarity. But, at the same time, because we’re taking a bit of a different approach with the social media aspect of all this, it’s different. Eventually, we’re going to meet some of their followers, and I think that’ll be great fun for readers.

Is there a part of Booster Gold and Blue Beetle’s friendship that you see as something unique in this genre?

Dan Jurgens: Obviously, it’s related to the Buddy film genre, which is usually a mix of adventure and humor, driven by their personality differences.

I think it’s territory that has been underrepresented in comics. We’ve had Green Lantern and Green Arrow at DC and Power Man and Iron Fist at Marvel, as well as other attempts. When you consider how long comics have been around, I’m really surprised we haven’t seen more.

It’s a format that works great for Booster and Blue Beetle.

What do you hope audiences get from this series?

Dan Jurgens: It all starts with a high level of entertainment. We’re definitely offering something different and I hope that attracts people.

More than anything, I hope readers have so much fun with it that they’ll demand more, because we definitely have more places to take these two than can possibly fit into just eight issues.

Thanks to Dan Jurgens for the conversation! Blue & Gold is in comic book stores now!