Intel Fights To Regain Chip Manufacturing Throne With Qualcomm Partnership

Intel Fights To Regain Chip Manufacturing Throne With Qualcomm Partnership

Intel recognizes that it needs to make changes to improve its competitive edge against rival manufacturers and its plans include getting some help from Qualcomm in order to regain its computer chip manufacturing throne. This is welcome news to US manufacturers that rely on Intel for processors and other chips. Intel, of course, makes the chip that powers a large number of Windows PCs around the world and is favored by many computer manufacturers.

Intel dominated the computer industry for many years, always producing the fastest and most reliable chips, even beating a partnership between Apple, Motorola, and IBM in the joint development of the PowerPC chip. Between 2005 and 2010, Intel faced lawsuits and allegations over anti-competitive practices, leading to the rise of AMD, which had been producing x86 compatible chips for decades. With the rise of mobile computing and the demand for low-power processors, Intel’s offerings fell short of those produced using ARM’s architecture and the frantic pace of smartphone development meant Intel had trouble keeping up with the rapidly advancing mobile chip manufacturing technology.

Intel recently announced that it would be accelerating its process innovation with a new transistor architecture called RibbonFET and a backside power delivery, PowerVia. These new processes are expected to ramp in 2024 and together will be known as Intel 20A, which is described as ushering in the angstrom era. This process is planned to be used in partnership with Qualcomm. Intel also announced advanced 3D packaging, which might benefit its manufacturing sooner, with plans for Intel 7 in 2021, its 7-nanometer process bringing 10 to 15-percent improvements over its 10-nanometer node. In the second half of 2022, Intel expects to begin using extreme-UV lithography to reduce scale dramatically to 4-nanometer, bringing a 20-percent performance boost, followed by 3-nanometer in 2023. These are big changes and bold moves that could place Intel back on top, if it can hold to its schedule.

How Will Intel 20A Compare & Compete?

Intel Fights To Regain Chip Manufacturing Throne With Qualcomm Partnership

Intel 20A is expected to arrive in 2024 and be used to manufacture chips for Qualcomm under a new partnership. 20A stands for 20-angstroms and the naming is a bit of a marketing ploy to distinguish Intel’s process from the equivalent 2-nanometer manufacturing node that TSMC, Samsung, and IBM have been discussing recently. An angstrom being the metric unit that is equal to one-tenth of a nanometer. It seems every reduction in scale increases performance by another 15 to 20-percent, as has been seen with processors produced by TSMC and Samsung.

TSMC has projected that it will enter 2-nanometer production by 2024 and Samsung expects to hit 3-nanometer by 2023. This means the chips made in 2024 might be 70-percent faster simply by virtue of improved processes. Of course, there is more to chip-making than simply reducing the size of components and Intel is actually still leading in terms of transistor density when taking into consideration packaging and integration. If Intel can keep to its timeline and reduce scale without losing its packaging advantage, it could regain its chip manufacturing throne.