Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2: 8 Burning Questions From The Original The Game Should Answer

Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2: 8 Burning Questions From The Original The Game Should Answer

Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 is set to release for the PlayStation 5 in 2023, which gives plenty of time for fans to make up their wish lists for the sequel. The first game remains well-known as one of the titles in the superhero genre to provide genuine quality entertainment, with the storytelling standing out in particular.

Still, there were plot points that remain ambiguous over what they entailed and they continue to be speculated over. Since it will be quite a long wait before Peter Parker returns for his second outing, the questions have become pressing queries that need to be answered in the sequel.

How Does Silver Sable Beat Spider-Man Without Powers?

Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2: 8 Burning Questions From The Original The Game Should Answer

One of the ways Spider-Man 2 can improve upon the original is to deliver explanations over the power level of characters. Fans weren’t too happy with how Silver Sable beat Spider-Man every time so emphatically despite the fact that she had no powers and he was supposed to be a seasoned superhero.

Many have speculated that Silver Sable may have had super abilities of her own that allowed her enhanced durability against Spider-Man, but that’s up to the sequel to confirm. She ended up as Spider-Man’s ally by the end of the original, so it’s possible for her to reappear, which is when her full capabilities need to be detailed.

What Became Of Harry’s Illness?

Spider-Man ps4 Harry Osborn in stasis

Harry Osborn was largely absent from the first game save for a third-act mystery plotline regarding his whereabouts. It was eventually revealed that Norman had him in stasis and was working toward finding a cure for whatever illness plagued his son.

While Spider-Man: Miles Morales offered a little glimpse of Harry potentially being revived, it’s still unknown exactly what became of him. It would be wrong of the sequel to again provide hints over Harry’s state rather than outright reveal it because it would have been five years since the first game’s release and the mystery will have gone on long enough.

How Did Peter Cope With Aunt May’s Demise?

Peter cries over the death of Aunt May

The handling of the family aspect was arguably done better in Spider-Man: Miles Morales than the original, where Aunt May’s demise came suddenly at the end of the game. Peter wasn’t even shown mourning her loss later on due to a small time skip but fans haven’t had full closure on this aspect.

With the sequel set to dive further into Peter’s characterization because of the Venom symbiote, there needs to be an acknowledgment of Peter coping with having no family left in the world. It’s been a talking point as to how Peter came to terms with being alone, so his grieving period should be addressed.

How Many Of Spider-Man’s Traditional Villains Did This Version Meet Before The Series’ Events?

Spider-Man sticks to a wall in the Spider-Man video game.

Just about every villain seemed to be the hardest boss fight in Spider-Man because Peter hadn’t faced most of them before. Only a couple like Scorpion and Kingpin were confirmed to be older foes, but it appeared as if he’d basically never faced the majority of the superhero’s main villains.

It’s a mystery how Spider-Man became an experienced superhero if he never actually fought powerful beings, but there’s a chance that he did and this wasn’t addressed. The sequel would do well by confirming how many villains Spider-Man faced in the decade prior to the current events as a way of establishing if he has been in extremely dangerous situations before.

Where Are The Other Superheroes?

Black Cat smiles in Spider-Man PS4

The trailer for the sequel has led to speculation over which character should be the villain in Spider-Man 2, but another pressing question remains of the superheroes. After all, it was confirmed that other Marvel heroes do exist, as evidenced by the Avengers Tower.

It also didn’t make sense that no one showed up when New York was in shambles because of the Sinister Six, which has only raised questions about the status of the other superheroes. The sequel has to answer where factions like the Avengers and the X-Men were and their whereabouts.

How Did Aunt May Know That Peter Was Spider-Man?

Spider-Man PS4 Aunt May looks to her left and smiles

Before dying, Aunt May revealed that she always knew Peter was Spider-Man and gave a rather unconvincing answer over how she deduced it. While it won’t be important to the sequel’s plot, fans would still appreciate an explanation for Aunt May’s incredible deductive skills since other versions haven’t figured it out.

It would be a way to establish Peter’s background as well, seeing as he was said to have started his role as Spider-Man after Uncle Ben’s death. Providing Aunt May’s point of view will thus open up Peter’s past and give fans a glimpse into the early days of the superhero.

Why Does Norman Osborn Hate Spider-Man?

Norman Osborn on a board meeting n Spider-Man PS4

Looking at things objectively, Norman Osborn had no reason to despise Spider-Man the way he did in the first game. Traditionally, Norman has had it out for Spider-Man because he’s the Green Goblin, but he was simply the mayor in the original’s story.

In fact, Spider-Man helped Norman by keeping the streets clean and helping the citizens, which makes it baffling why Norman hated him. There’s a good chance of a larger backstory surrounding their dynamic, which the sequel needs to detail. Even if the two don’t have a history, the next game should at least reveal the reason for Norman’s animosity toward Spider-Man and how the Green Goblin will become Spider-Man’s best villain.

Why Is Curt Connors Working For Norman Osborn?

Spider-Man Miles Morales Norman Osborn Connors Lizard Post-Credits

The Lizard was alluded to as a former foe of Spider-Man in the original and his current whereabouts were implied to be with Norman Osborn. Miles Morales confirmed this when Curt Connors was shown working for Norman to find a way to revive Harry.

What’s confusing is how Dr. Connors came into contact with Norman, seeing as the latter was the mayor and whose first response should have been to lock Connors up. Moreover, their association has raised questions over what Connors has to gain from this alliance, so the sequel has the task of clearing this up.