Inhumans Just Got Turned Into an Epic Twilight Zone Story by Marvel

Inhumans Just Got Turned Into an Epic Twilight Zone Story by Marvel

Warning: contains spoilers for Darkhold: Black Bolt #1!

Marvel has just used the Inhumans franchise to tell one of their most effective horror stories in recent memory, and all while centering a tale around a superhero who can’t speak: Black Bolt. The King of the Inhumans, Blackagar Boltagon (his true name) is burdened with a terrible responsibility and a powerful superhuman ability. Unfortunately, neither can save him from a Twilight Zone-esque terrible truth.

In the world of Inhumans, the titular people live in a community upon Earth’s moon, calling it Attilan. The majority of stories revolve around the human family, and as the king, Black Bolt presides over all Inhumans. Unfortunately, his brother Maximus desires the throne for himself, and in Darkhold: Black Bolt #1, the king finds himself on a barren planet, marooned after a plot by Maximus has left him stranded.

Spotting a ship flying above, Black Bolt presumes the pilot is Maximus coming to finish him off. He shouts at the craft, causing it to plummet to the ground below (Black Bolt’s shout can destroy entire cities, so no single ship can stand a chance here). Unfortunately, the occupant is Black Bolt’s trusted steward, who tells him he isn’t Black Bolt at all…he’s Maximus. The steward outlines a plan years in the making.

Inhumans Just Got Turned Into an Epic Twilight Zone Story by Marvel

Maximus ordered the steward to transform him into Black Bolt using a device that perfectly mimicked the King – even granting Maximus Black Bolt’s powers. But the real king grew wise to the plot and installed memory detectors around the kingdom to weed out anyone wearing a disguise. As such, the steward implanted Maximus with false memories; thus, Maximus believes he is now Black Bolt. For the plot to work flawlessly, Maximus’ original memories had to be completely erased. “In effect, I had to kill you, my prince,” explains the steward. But while Maximus had Black Bolt’s powers, he didn’t have a lifetime of training to control those incredible powers. One errant shout betrayed his true identity, and Maximus/Black Bolt escaped in a shuttle to a distant planet…where he has just killed his only ally.

Maximus/Black Bolt is left with a disturbing question: is he truly Maximus, who now has no hope of taking the throne…or he is truly Black Bolt, tricked into believing he is his own brother as a plot by the real Maximus? As is the case with so many Twilight Zone episodes, the question is left unanswered, namely because there is no way to know a true answer until other Inhumans retrieve Maximus/Black Bolt. Marvel’s Inhumans has never been more horrifying, and all through a simple question about Black Bolt’s true identity.