Infinity War: How Powerful Would Vision Be With The Mind Stone Removed

Infinity War: How Powerful Would Vision Be With The Mind Stone Removed

Vision died in Avengers: Infinity War before Thanos’ snap, as the Mad Titan took the Mind Stone away from his forehead, but how powerful would Vision be without the Mind Stone? The stories of the Marvel Cinematic Universe led to the arrival of Thanos and the collection of the Infinity Stones in Avengers: Infinity War, and with that to the long-awaited team-up of all the superheroes that had already been introduced in this connected universe.

Although it wasn’t until the following movie, Avengers: Endgame, when all the heroes and their allies came together to fight Thanos and his armies after the Hulk reversed the initial snap, Infinity War did see some of them joining forces in two different battles: one in Wakanda, against Thanos’ followers, and one in Titan, against the Mad Titan himself. Among those in the Battle of Wakanda was Vision, who prior to the fight spent a long time under Shuri’s watch as she tried to safely remove the Mind Stone from his forehead. Ultimately, it was Thanos who did so, effectively killing him in the process. However, had it been removed properly, as Shuri was going to, Vision could have lived, though his powers would have been different.

Vision was created in Avengers: Age of Ultron by Doctor Helen Cho under Ultron’s orders, who wanted a better and more resistant body for himself. The body ended up in the Avengers’ hands, with Tony Stark convincing Bruce Banner to repurpose it and upload J.A.R.V.I.S. into the body, which already had the Mind Stone placed on his forehead. Vision’s body is made of a combination of organic tissue and vibranium, making it a lot more resistant than Ultron’s body, and the Mind Stone gave it some extra powers that, thanks to having J.A.R.V.I.S. uploaded into him instead of Ultron, made him a superhero rather than a villain. The Mind Stone granted him powers like density manipulation, intangibility, energy blasts, and self-healing, which made him a very powerful hero and a great asset for the Avengers – and even without the Mind Stone, he would still be a powerful being, though less than with the help of the Stone.

Infinity War: How Powerful Would Vision Be With The Mind Stone Removed

Without the Mind Stone, Vision would retain some abilities, though they wouldn’t be as intense as they were with it. Thanks to the materials his body is made of, Vision would have superhuman strength, durability (as vibranium is nearly indestructible), flight (which is not an ability linked to the Stone, as Ultron could also fly and he would have kept it), and probably self-healing as well, as his techno-organic tissue would allow him to regenerate cells at will. Because Vision is an A.I, he would have kept abilities like computer interaction and genius-level intellect, and he would still be an expert combatant. In addition to all that, he would still be able to use various weapons, most notably Mjolnir, as he proved to be worthy of it.

Vision would lose some of his powers without the Mind Stone on his forehead, but he wouldn’t be weak at all. Vision would still be of great help to the Avengers team (and others, too), as he would retain abilities that are of great use and other heroes are not capable of, as is his ability to communicate with computers and to evolve faster than humans. As he died before the snap in Avengers: Infinity War, Vision is really dead, but he will return in Disney+’s Wandavision, which might give viewers a taste of other abilities he didn’t get to display throughout the Infinity saga.