Infinity Stone Sites – Marvel’s Most Obscure Lore Reveals How to Use the Infinity Gauntlet’s Power with 0 Stones

Infinity Stone Sites – Marvel’s Most Obscure Lore Reveals How to Use the Infinity Gauntlet’s Power with 0 Stones

Few objects in the Marvel Universe are as highly sought after as the Infinity Stones. Each individual stone possesses incredible abilities, but taken together, they can rewrite the fabric of existence. The stones are so powerful that even the paths they’ve traveled contain exceptional magic, and it’s strongest in the places where they’ve interacted.

In Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil #4 by Paul Tobin, Patric Scherberger, David Baldeón, Terry Pallot, and Dave Sharpe – Doom seeks to harness the traces of magic left behind by the Infinity Stones. The power is especially concentrated where two or more stones have crossed each other, or been combined, and anyone who can harness it gets an unprecedented opportunity to use it.

Infinity Stone Sites – Marvel’s Most Obscure Lore Reveals How to Use the Infinity Gauntlet’s Power with 0 Stones

These “Infinity Stone Sites,” locations where Infinity Stones have been combined, can grant the ability to make a single wish, proving to be as valuable as the collected Stones themselves.

Loki in front of Infinity Gauntlet Cover


Marvel Fan Theory Confirmed – You Can Snort the Infinity Stones

Nightcrawlers #3 subtly reveals that Loki gained vast power by snorting “infinity dust,” which confirms a funny fan theory about the Infinity Stones.

Infinity Stones’ Power Lingers Even When They’re Gone

Doctor Doom explains that the paths where Infinity Gems cross grants a wish.

The most shocking thing about the mere path of the Infinity Stones being able to grant a wish is that, theoretically, it could occur multiple times. The Stones have been highly sought after by all manner of beings. They’ve been stolen, moved, used, and relocated many times in Marvel history, leaving lines of power in their wake. Although the ley lines are incredibly difficult to track, and the knowledge is held by only one entity, having that knowledge would grant someone nearly the same power as possessing the stones themselves.

Possessing the true Infinity Stones would grant unlimited use, whereas each site of their travel only allows one wish. That single wish could be used to achieve practically anything, however. The potential is so immense that powerful beings like Thanos, Dormammu, Galactus, and others reached a stalemate instead of trying to track the paths. Although Doctor Doom did not abide by that pact, he still only makes use of one location and a single wish. There are doubtlessly more points throughout the universe for someone else to do the same.

Infinity Sites Are Vulnerable To Villainous Agendas

Dormammu, Thanos, and Galactus leave to thwart Doctor Doom from breeching Quinn's cell.

Finding an Infinity Stone Site and harnessing its power, much like collecting the Stones themselves, is no easy feat. Doctor Doom is only successful through a combination of manipulation, illusion, sorcery, and science – a feat few others could hope to manage. Nevertheless, if someone else were to successfully track the paths of the stones and safely get to one of the sites, that power is up for grabs. Many know about the power of the Infinity Stones, but few know about the equally powerful Infinity Sites scattered throughout the Marvel Universe.