Indiana Jones 5: Time Travel Is The Best Way To Tell A Young Indy Story

Indiana Jones 5: Time Travel Is The Best Way To Tell A Young Indy Story

If Indiana Jones 5 is going to dive back into the past and potentially feature a Young Indy, then time travel is the best way to do it. While it’s not absolutely confirmed that the highly anticipated entry in the franchise will utilize some kind of time travel mechanic to set up the film’s as-of-yet unannounced plot, set photos featuring extras in Roman gladiator attire and a video confirming the presence of Nazis—despite the film’s setting in the 1960s—seem to heavily point towards this. Add in the possibility of a digitally de-aged young Harrison Ford making an appearance at some point in the film, and the odds of Indy jumping through time increase even further.

Much of the plot of Indiana Jones 5 has been a heavily guarded secret, though, with director James Mangold urging fans to wait until the film is released to pass judgment on it. His concern could have something to do with the fact that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull received heavy backlash from fans over elements like the nuclear bomb scene and its confusing alien storyline. The upcoming film will be the first Indy sequel not directed by Steven Spielberg, so Mangold has a lot to live up to, as well as a lot of mistakes to avoid repeating.

But time travel wouldn’t be a mistake for this franchise, precisely because the admittedly tricky mechanic could take advantage of the films’ two biggest assets: Harrison Ford, and the allure of the supernatural. A story about young Indiana Jones can offer an engaging and refreshing take on the fedora-wearing adventurer, and time travel will help enhance that action rather than weigh it down. Ultimately, it could even help the franchise get back to its original glory.

Indiana Jones 5: Time Travel Is The Best Way To Tell A Young Indy Story

Harrison Ford has had his share of big-ticket roles, and Indiana Jones is one of his earliest and best. Indy wouldn’t be who he is if not played by Ford, and the beauty of a time travel narrative is that it allows Ford to play the iconic character at his current age as well as showcase a younger version from the past. If Indiana Jones 5 were to focus solely on a younger Indy, a recast would likely be in order to avoid subjecting fans to two hours of de-aging technology. Alternatively, it could feel stiff for the film to bounce back and forth between a frame narrative with old Indy and a flash-back using de-aging or a new actor. With time travel on the table, old Indy himself could visit the past, and even interact with his younger self face-to-face.

One of the best things about the Indiana Jones franchise is its use of fantastical elements. From the spirits trapped in the Ark of the Covenant, to the mysterious power of the Sankara stones, to the immortal life granted by the Holy Grail, each film deploys the supernatural as deftly as it does action, and this is what gives Indy’s adventures their high stakes and their intrigue. While time travel would be uncharted territory for the whip-wielding hero, it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing he’s seen, and it would add a cool sci-fi twist to the franchise’s archaeological theme. Plus, as one the Star Wars franchise’s greatest legends, Harrison Ford is obviously no stranger to science fiction, so this would be a natural maneuver for him to pull off.

Whether Indy’s fifth adventure meets fan expectations or not, Mangold seems committed to doing his very best to please. If he’s serious about it, time travel should absolutely be on the table. With Indiana Jones 5 expected to deliver a de-aged Harrison Ford and a story about young Indy, a time travel narrative is a no-brainer.

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