Impressive Horror Movie Art Brings Genre Icons Together (& Includes Some Odd Choices)

Impressive Horror Movie Art Brings Genre Icons Together (& Includes Some Odd Choices)

Impressive artwork of different horror movies has brought multiple icons of the genre together, along with a couple of odd surprises. Many horror films throughout the decades are now considered classic stories in the genre. These characters are often the stars of gory slasher movies, such as Jason in Friday the 13th and Freddy in A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Now, starseekerdesign has posted an impressive piece of artwork on Instagram that brings many of the horror genre’s stars together, including a few odd choices.

The image above focuses on classic horror villains, such as Jason and Freddy joined by Ghostface from Scream, Michael Myers from Halloween, Pinhead from Hellraiser, Pennywise from It, and Chucky and Tiffany from Child’s Play. However, other unique characters include Ash from Evil Dead and the Alien and Predator from their titular franchises. In the center is Frank from Donnie Darko, rounding out the many unique horror figures in the image.

The Common Elements Of Horror Icons Explained

Impressive Horror Movie Art Brings Genre Icons Together (& Includes Some Odd Choices)

Many horror icons created in the ’70s through the ’90s are slasher villains who kill their targets in brutal ways. These similarities even resulted in some crossovers throughout history, with the most famous example being the 2003 film Freddy vs. Jason. However, each slasher villain always had a backstory that made them unique, whether a serial killer possessing a doll like Chucky or multiple masked murderers like Ghostface.

However, not all horror icons are alike, with the Alien and Predator seen in the image being otherworldly creatures that hunt humans for their particular reasons. Although some icons are also the heroes of their stories, such as Ash’s association with the Evil Dead franchise despite not being the core villain. Others are more mysterious, such as Frank, whose role in Donnie Darko is complex compared to those of other horror figures.

While many horror icons are different, a majority of them still share the common thread of being threats to the lives of ordinary people. However, the art posted underscores how there are still other recognizable horror characters that are not the story’s villains. Perhaps future horror movies will embrace the idea of more unconventional characters that don’t fall into one particular role in the story.