“I’m a Dragonslayer”: An Underrated Justice League Hero Shows Off a Major Power Upgrade (& Sword)

“I’m a Dragonslayer”: An Underrated Justice League Hero Shows Off a Major Power Upgrade (& Sword)

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Hawkgirl #4

Metropolis has witnessed former Justice League member Hawkgirl’s rise as a certified Dragonslayer, and it wasn’t a typical victory. Kendra Saunders, already a powerhouse in the League, unveils an unexpected power upgrade that leads her to triumph. Turns out, hidden potential can make the strongest warriors even mightier, proving that heroes often find their greatest strength where they least expect it.

In Hawkgirl #4 by Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan, Alex Guimarães, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, Metropolis faces the dire threat of a remarkably adaptable and overwhelmingly potent dragon of mysterious origins. Hawkgirl is swift to answer the call to protect the city from the beast, with heroes Steel, Supergirl, and Galaxy joining her in the battle.

“I’m a Dragonslayer”: An Underrated Justice League Hero Shows Off a Major Power Upgrade (& Sword)

In a twist of events, the dragon has the ability to tailor its fiery assaults to each hero’s greatest vulnerability, incapacitating Supergirl with Kryptonite-infused flames and Steel with electromagnetic waves. With their two heaviest hitters down, Hawkgirl and Galaxy become the only two heroes standing between the dragon and absolute carnage with Hawkgirl dramatically declaring herself a “dragonslayer.”

Hawkgirl Unlocks Her Full Potential as the Ultimate Dragonslayer

Hawkgirl Glowing with Birds and Sword

In a desperate bid to safeguard Metropolis from impending doom, Galaxy, known for her energy manipulation powers, taps into her abilities to supercharge the protective aura that she discerns within Kendra. The process, marked by excruciating agony for both heroines, unleashes an awe-inspiring transformation. As the ancient memories of Hawkgirl’s past lives surge forth, they forge a nearly impenetrable suit of celestial armor around her, rendering her invulnerable to even the most devastating assaults and allowing her to manifest a blazing sword. Utilizing her newfound powers, Hawkgirl confronts the colossal dragon and eventually decapitates it, emerging as a “dragonslayer.”

Hawkgirl’s newfound abilities represent a game-changer in the superhero landscape. Whether she can tap into these powers at will remains a mystery, but the mere knowledge of their existence could tip the scales in the favor of the Justice League in battles to come. With invulnerability rivaling that of Kryptonians and a sword whose limitations remain unknown, Kendra Saunders has evolved into an even more formidable force to be reckoned with. This spectacular development sets the stage for epic battles, cosmic showdowns, and a new chapter in Hawkgirl’s heroics. Fans can’t help but wonder what other astonishing abilities and hidden potential might be waiting to be unearthed.

Hawkgirl Just Became More Powerful Than Hawkman

Hawkgirl Demonstrates New Powers while Battling a Dragon

For years, fans have passionately debated who would triumph in a face-off between Hawkgirl and Hawkman. Hawkman’s portrayal as the stronger, more enduring, and exceptionally durable warrior has consistently fueled arguments in his favor. However, with the recent revelation of Kendra’s newfound powers, there’s no longer any room for debate: she has undeniably risen as the mightier half of this hawk-themed duo. This twist on the Justice League mainstay’s powers also ignites curiosity about whether Hawkman might harbor untapped potential to harness powers on par with Kendra’s. The future remains uncertain as readers eagerly await to see if Hawkman will seize this potential — and if Hawkgirl can retain her newfound powers.

Hawkgirl #4 from DC Comics is now available!