If the Justice League Weren’t Already Disbanded, the Last Few Months Would Have Shattered Them

If the Justice League Weren’t Already Disbanded, the Last Few Months Would Have Shattered Them

Warning! Minor spoilers for Batman, Superman, and Action Comics ahead!It’s a good thing the Justice League is already broken up, because recent events very likely would have driven them apart. The worlds of DC’s biggest heroes are rapidly changing, and possibly putting any revival of the League in question.

The Justice League might be the greatest collection of heroes in the DC Universe, but even they aren’t beyond meeting their makers. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths saw the team killed and trapped in prison worlds by their once-ally Pariah in a mad attempt to recreate the limitless multiverse. The team was eventually rescued from their prisons and brought back to life. However, the team decided to take time for themselves and leave the safeguarding of the world to Nightwing and the rest of the Titans. Since Dark Crisis, DC’s most notable heroes returned to their corners of the DCU and began facing new, unbelievable threats.

Anti-Hero Sentiment and Instability Would Have Eventually Destroyed the Justice League

If the Justice League Weren’t Already Disbanded, the Last Few Months Would Have Shattered Them

In the past few months, the team’s Trinity (consisting of Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman) have all been through radical experiences that have rocked their worlds. In Batman, Bruce has been fighting non-stop for months and has become radically unhinged as a result of being influenced by his dark alter ego, the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh. In the new Wonder Woman series, Diana becomes an outlaw after the United States bans Amazons from the country after a wave of anti-Amazon paranoia hits the world. Even Superman is facing his own crisis with the Blue Earth organization, a terrorist group attempting to stir up hatred and fear against aliens. Not to mention, the DC Universe was recently rocked by the metahuman threat of Insomnia. The villain plunged the entire Earth into a world of nightmares and created a sinister Justice League to haunt the dreams of average citizens, making people start to fear heroes.

Ever since the Justice League dissolved, it’s been one awful event after another. The three cornerstones of the DC Universe’s premier superteam have been facing threats from outside and within. Batman losing control and attacking his loved ones or America turning against Wonder Woman are both issues that could have rocked the League. But with all these things happening at once, it’s doubtful the team could have weathered them all back-to-back. One wonders if the Justice League will even be able to come back together after all these dark turns.

Is There a Future For the Justice League?

Wonder Woman Traitor DC

As the Titans continue serving as the top superhero squad, the Justice League’s iconic members are facing some of the greatest trials of their lives. Right now, fans aren’t even sure if Batman can pull himself back from the dark road he’s going down in “Gotham War” or if the public will get over their new fear of superheroes. Assuming they even want to, it’s hard to imagine the Justice League could even reform with so many shake-ups to its core members. Hopefully, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman can resolve their issues. Because if they can’t, then the world may have seen the last of the Justice League.