“I Love This Gun”- Cyclops’ Ultimate Weapon Makes His Powers Look Pathetic

“I Love This Gun”- Cyclops’ Ultimate Weapon Makes His Powers Look Pathetic

Spoilers for Children of the Vault #3!The X-Men’s Cyclops and Cable are two of the most powerful mutants in all of Marvel Comics, with Cyclops’ signature optic blast powers, in particular, being a destructive force that rivals his son’s arsenal of guns and things that go boom outright. And now, when paired up with Marvel’s other time-traveling hero, Bishop, Cable reveals his father’s ultimate weaponized gift that makes Cyclops’ abilities look like utter child’s play.

A new kind of weapon used in Cable and Bishop’s mission to take out the Children of the Vault before they can do even more damage with their as-of-yet-publicly known psychic virus affecting humans across the globe, the introduction of this weapon of mass destruction couldn’t have come at a better time for these iconic mutant heroes.

“I Love This Gun”- Cyclops’ Ultimate Weapon Makes His Powers Look Pathetic

Taking it upon themselves to bring the fight to the Children and preemptively strike their floating city, it’s here where Cable reveals the weapon that makes Cyclops’s powers look pathetic in comparison: a giant cannon that shoots mini black holes!

Cable’s Destructive Singularity Cannon Was A Gift From Cyclops

Cable and Bishop unleash a giant black hole gun on a floating city

As seen in the third issue of the X-Men-related book titled Children of the Vault, by Deniz Camp and Luca Maresca, this ultimate weapon is actually fired by Bishop, not Cable, as they enact their plans for taking the Children of the Vault down. Aiming at their city in the sky, the singularities shot from the cannon take mere seconds to reach the Children, with Bishop saying, “I love this gun,” as he smirks after a well-placed shot sends the city into defense mode. Responding to Bishop’s comment with “It was a gift from my father,” Cable confirms not only where he got this giant weapon, but after seeing its power, how it puts Cyclops’ abilities — and nearly everyone else’s — to shame.

Well-known in the superhero community for being an ace shot with his patented optic attacks, whether using them to surgically strike at a foe or utterly decimate them with a fully powered blast, Cyclops is no slouch when it comes to using his skills in any capacity, with this singularity cannon showing that for all the good his powers can do, they mean nothing in the face of an ultimate weapon like this. Furthermore, the fact that Cyclops decided to give his son this singularity gun not only puts Cable at an advantage should he ever need to take dear old dad out, but it can be assumed that if Cyclops ever truly turned evil, his already overpowered optic abilities wouldn’t stand a chance against a mini black hole headed right for him.

Cyclops’ Ultimate Weapon Is Something Both Cable and Bishop Love To Use

Cable's black hits an enemy at full power

So although fans haven’t seen Cyclops take this particular weapon for a spin himself, seeing Bishop and Cable use it in an attempt to take out an entire floating city full of enemies is undoubtedly the next best thing. Cyclops and Cable have more than a few kinds of offensive techniques ready and waiting to unleash on the field of battle, with this black hole gun taking the cake as one of the best!

Children of the Vault #3 is now available from Marvel Comics.