“I Know a Hawkeye When I see One”: Captain America Officially Recruits The First Member of His Future Avengers

“I Know a Hawkeye When I see One”: Captain America Officially Recruits The First Member of His Future Avengers

Warning: Contains spoilers for Avengers: Twilight #3!!Despite society’s rejection of superheroes and the losses suffered on “Hero Day,” Captain America is determined to save the country from itself. To do that, he needs his Avengers and just brought on a new Hawkeye as his first recruit. She has keen sharpshooter skills and a questionable past, much like her predecessor, but is still drawn to Steve’s cause, so it’s little wonder that Cap gifted her the title.

In Avengers: Twilight #3, Captain America moves forward with rescuing what remains of Tony Stark from The Raft. Mere seconds after reaching his old friend, however, he’s confronted by a member of the deadly Thunderbolts: Ramona aka Bullseye. Instead of taking her shot at Cap, she chooses to defend him against James Stark instead, thus earning herself the very first spot on his new team.

“I Know a Hawkeye When I see One”: Captain America Officially Recruits The First Member of His Future Avengers

Steve assesses her quickly, making the connection between her current moniker and the future that could be ahead of her, and his observation says it all: “I know a Hawkeye when I see one.”

Captain America Chose the Right Person for the Hawkeye Mantle

Bullseye the new Hawkeye defends not shooting Captain America

The first new Avenger comes from an unlikely source – the very team used to spread violence and keep people under their control. Bullseye hails from the elite Thunderbolts, where she reportedly never misses a shot, yet in her original encounter with Steve back in Avengers: Twilight #2 she chooses to hold her fire. It earns her a fierce reprimand, but it’s clear she doesn’t regret the choice. Not only does she shoot James Stark in the shoulder (with an arrow instead of a bullet), she agrees to abide by Steve’s no-kill rule and get him off The Raft.

While Hawkeye’s life is still mysterious, her time with the Thunderbolts means she has seen the country’s darkest side and has blood on her hands to show for it. When Clint Barton joined Cap’s Kooky Quartet and became an Avenger, it was a second chance at life – one he turned into a life of heroism. Both Clint and the new Hawkeye seek to distance themselves from their past, so it isn’t just the bow and arrow that connects them. Her skills are useful, but it’s her drive that makes her worthy of the Hawkeye title.

The Avengers Need Hawkeye’s Knowledge

The new Hawkeye shoots James Stark for Captain America

There is no doubt that Ramona is an excellent shot, whether it’s with a gun or a bow, but she has more to offer than her aim. She knows how the Thunderbolts operate and her knowledge of The Raft has already been useful. That’s likely just the beginning. She has spent years inside the system that Steve is forced to approach from the outside, and she will doubtlessly prove invaluable to the team, just as any Hawkeye always does. It leaves the Avengers and their new Hawkeye better poised to take back the country.

Avengers: Twilight #3 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Avengers: Twilight #3 (2024)

Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel on the cover of Avengers Twilight #3
  • Writer: Chip Zdarsky
  • Artist: Daniel Acuña
  • Colorist: Daniel Acuña
  • Letterer: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Alex Ross