“I Found Holes in Starfire’s Origin”:Titans’ Beast World Event Will Redefine Starfire’s Home Planet

“I Found Holes in Starfire’s Origin”:Titans’ Beast World Event Will Redefine Starfire’s Home Planet

DC Comics current “Beast World” crossover event is expected to bring major changes to the DC Universe – and according to writer Tom Taylor, fans can expect significant revelations about Tamaran, the homeworld of Titans member Starfire. Speaking about the dangerous cosmic entity known as the Necrostar, Taylor teased a gamechanging addition to DC lore, saying it is “connected to Tamaran in a way that people won’t see coming.”

In an interview with AIPT, Taylor – writer of Titans: Beast World #1, featuring art by Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbot –teased that he, “found holes in Starfire’s origin,” which will surely send long-time DC fans scrambling to consume back issues in advance of the remaining “Beast World” issues.

“I Found Holes in Starfire’s Origin”:Titans’ Beast World Event Will Redefine Starfire’s Home Planet

I think as soon as I jumped on the Titans, I wanted to sort of elevate every one of them,” Taylor explained, with the upcoming inclusion of Tamaran in the “Beast World” narrative being part of that project for Starfire, with the reveal about her homeworld proving critical to the overall plot.

Costumed superheroes burst toward the reader.


Titans: Beast World #1 Proves 2023 Still Has Must-Read Stories Left to Tell (Review)

DC Comics’ last event for 2023 begins in earnest with Titans: Beast World #1, a nail-biting calamity with action and surprisingly touching moments.

The Necrostar Has Connection’s To Starfire’s Homeworld

The inciting plot event of “Beast World” features Brother Eternity unleashing the Necrostar; the attempt by DC’s heroes to stop this massive threat in turn leads to the catastrophic events of the crossover. Speaking with AIPT, Tom Taylor said, “there’s not much we can reveal about [Necrostar],” as readers will discover more about the creature in upcoming issues. Taylor did, however, drop tantalizing clues about its connection to the origin of one Titan, the Tamaran Starfire. A lot of it all comes together in Titans issue #6 and #7,” Taylor said, hyping the importance of those issues. “That’s where the Necrostar and its roots take place.”

Taylor did go so far as to elaborate that, “basically, it’s connected to Tamaran,” and that Titans #6 and #7 will feature “a lot of backstory,” for the Necrostar, for Brother Eternity, and especially, “a lot of things that are key for Starfire.” Taylor stressed the importance of these issues to the overall “Beast World” narrative: “They’re not just tie-ins for the sake of it; they’re really, really integral to the story.” One way the writer ensured this was by offering major additions to long-standing lore, making the series even more of a must-read for DC Comics fans than it already was, based on the premise, and the shocking first issue.

“Beast World” Will Fill In Some Gaps In Starfire’s History

Starfire and the destruction of Tamaran

As you’ll see, there’s things about [Starfire’s] past that she doesn’t know that we’ll learn with her,” Tom Taylor told AIPT. He noted that the character’s origin has, “changed a few times,” and that “Beast World” includes his attempt to “solidify” her history, and “also twist it a little bit.” Beyond just Starfire, he noted that all the Titans would have an opportunity to stand-out in the crossover. “I wanted all these Titans to have their moments, and this is the event that will hopefully do that.” Fans of Starfire should be excited by Tom Taylor’s comments on the series, which promise to continue putting the team at the forefront of DC Comics storytelling.

Titans: Beast World #1 is available now from DC Comics.

Titans: Beast World #1 (2023)

“I Found Holes in Starfire’s Origin”:Titans’ Beast World Event Will Redefine Starfire’s Home Planet

  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Artist: Ivan Reis
  • Inker: Danny Miki
  • Colorist: Brad Anderson
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Ivan Reis