“I Believe in You”: Joker Names the 1 Hero He Actually Respects

“I Believe in You”: Joker Names the 1 Hero He Actually Respects

Warning! Contains spoilers for Action Comics #1063!

Superman has always been a major beacon of hope for the DC Universe, but it’s still a surprise that even the Joker believes in him. As Metropolis and its citizens are completely transformed by Bizarro’s dark magic, Superman ends up turning to the Joker for help — leading to this strange version of the Joker admitting that he believes in Superman.

After his planet vanishes in one of DC’s many crisis-level events, Bizarro appears in Metropolis intent on destroying it in his own way. Using intensely powerful magic, Bizarro unleashes a curse on Metropolis that transforms everyone into their opposites. But this curse doesn’t just stay in Metropolis: it spreads across the world, as expanded upon in this preview for Action Comics #1063 by Jason Aaron and John Timms.

While most people are turned into their opposites, becoming cruel and strange versions of themselves, the Joker is turned “sane” and teams up with Superman to stop Bizarro’s magic. And so the Joker admits he truly believes in Superman: “But I want you to know, for whatever it’s worth… that I believe in you. With all my heart.”

“I Believe in You”: Joker Names the 1 Hero He Actually Respects


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The Joker is one of the most twisted and demented criminal minds in comics, yet he’s finally found a therapist that he seems pretty happy with.

Bizarro Joker Completely Believes in Superman

Page from Action Comics #1062 by Aaron, Timms, Rex Lokus, and Dave Sharpe

Comic book page: a sane version of the Joker who has been affected by Bizarro magic.

The Joker has always been one of the most unhinged criminals that DC has to offer. His insanity is so powerful that some have even suggested that it’s his very own superpower. Naturally, when Bizarro unleashes his magic and transforms everyone into their opposites, the Joker becomes the sanest man on Earth. Instead of the homicidal lunatic he usually is, he just wants to help Superman put things right. While the Joker’s expression of his belief in Superman is almost certainly the opposite of what he truly feels, it’s still a shock to hear any version of the Joker admit to such a belief.

In this story, Bizarro successfully traps Superman in a true nightmare. Not only is Superman’s entire city tearing itself apart, but Superman has no choice but to side with the Joker to try and fix it. While Superman strives to see the good in everyone, the Joker has always tested that. Now that the Joker’s insanity has been reversed, Superman doesn’t seem to mind this team-up at all, as Superman even thanks the Joker for his kind words and seems to value his advice in battling Bizarro.

Bizarro’s Twisted Magic Has Transformed the Joker’s Loyalties

Action Comics #1063 Variant Cover by Paolo Rivera

Action Comics 1063 Rivera Variant Cover: Superman fighting Bizarro across many panels.

Superman has faced tons of world-ending threats over the years, and he’s always managed to solve them, but this is one of the few times Superman is almost entirely alone. The Justice League has been infected, Lois Lane is infected, and Superman’s entire city is tearing itself apart. Since the Joker is now considered the only sane man on Earth, it makes perfect sense that this version of the Joker would believe in Superman. With everyone else going mad around him, the Joker has no choice but to believe in Superman.

Action Comics #1063 is available March 12th from DC Comics!

ACTION COMICS #1063 (2024)

Action Comics 1063 Main Cover: Bizarro punching Superman into the Daily Planet globe.

  • Writer: Jason Aaron
  • Artist: John Timms
  • Colorist: Rex Lokus
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: John Timms