“I Am the Loki Who Will Kill You”: Loki’s New Cosmic Role Means Having to Kill Thor, Marvel Confirms

“I Am the Loki Who Will Kill You”: Loki’s New Cosmic Role Means Having to Kill Thor, Marvel Confirms

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Immortal Thor #6 The prospect of Loki being Thor’s mortal enemy in Marvel Comics may come as no surprise – they have been at each other’s throats since the ‘60s, after all – but based on the events within their more modern storylines, it actually should. Loki is no longer the villainous God of Mischief, but is instead the God of Stories, a Skald that guides rather than actively participating. However, even a storyteller must participate in the story they’re telling when fate demands, and Marvel Comics just confirmed that Loki’s new cosmic role means having to kill Thor.

In a preview for The Immortal Thor #6 by Al Ewing and Martín Cóccolo, Thor and Loki sit around a fire, discussing the nature of truth derived from stories and lies told in memories. Thor wants to know everything he can about the situation regarding the old gods of Utgard, and Gaea’s involvement in their resurgence, and he has asked Loki – being the God of Stories – to help him uncover the truth.

“I Am the Loki Who Will Kill You”: Loki’s New Cosmic Role Means Having to Kill Thor, Marvel Confirms
Immortal Thor #6 Preview page 2.
Immortal Thor #6 Preview page 3.
Immortal Thor #6 Preview page 4.
Immortal Thor #6 Preview page 5.

As readers can quickly gather, Thor is no closer to the truth when sitting with Loki than he was fighting Toranos. However, Thor does learn more about Loki’s new position as the Teller of Tales, as well as the nature of their relationship. Loki says, “I am the Loki who will kill you”, in a manner so matter-of-fact, that it seems like it’s written in the cosmic story of their lives that only Loki can currently see – one that seemingly cannot be changed.

Featured Image: a displeased looking Thor (left) with Mjolnir upside down in the foreground


“The Power of Thor”: Thor Explains the Hidden Power Mjolnir Actually Gives Its Wielder

In order to defeat an enemy stronger than him, Thor has explained his true greatest power, and in the process changed how Mjolnir works forever.

Marvel Comics Returns Thor & Loki to Their Original Status Quo

The relationship between Thor and Loki has changed drastically since their original storylines, so much so that the former Thor villain even became worthy of wielding Mjolnir. The former God of Mischief was once such a great threat to Thor and the rest of Marvel’s heroes that they were solely responsible for the very formation of the Avengers. And then, Loki slowly morphed into something more akin to an antihero, until they finally dropped the ‘God of Mischief’ title altogether in lieu of the newly acquired God of Stories moniker.

With this issue of Immortal Thor, Thor and Loki are returned to their original status quo as cosmic enemies. All those conflicts in their past weren’t for nothing, yet their development as allies hasn’t been undone. This issue confirms that the two don’t have a choice in the matter. Fate has decided that they must be at odds, which explains why they originally were, and why it doesn’t matter that they have since reconciled. Immortal Thor is bringing their relationship full-circle, and only time will tell if Loki truly is destined to kill their own brother.

Are Thor & Loki Destined to Have the Same Fate in the MCU?

Loki as the center of the multiverse in the MCU.

Just like in the comics, Loki has become the God of Stories in the MCU, as they took their rightful place at the center of the multiverse in Loki season 2. Loki is the keeper of every tale ever conceived in every possible reality, meaning they should have the same level of cosmic knowledge in the MCU that they do in Marvel Comics. If the unavoidable destiny revealed by Loki in this Immortal Thor preview holds true, then is it something that must reverberate across the multiverse? If that’s the case, then would it also ring true in the MCU?

As of now, it’s impossible to know if this new reveal will impact the MCU in any form or fashion, but it’s an interesting thing to consider given the nearly identical trajectories of Loki’s storylines in both the MCU and Marvel Comics. However, the MCU’s involvement in this new revelation is inconsequential to the Immortal Thor series itself, where Thor must face the startling truth that the sibling he has become so close with in recent canon is the Loki who will kill him.

The Immortal Thor #6 by Marvel Comics is available January 24, 2024.