Huntress Becomes Gotham’s Deadliest Woman Alive in Twisted Bat-Family Transformation

Huntress Becomes Gotham’s Deadliest Woman Alive in Twisted Bat-Family Transformation

Warning! Contains spoilers for Titans: Beast World Tour – Gotham #1!

A beast spore has infected Huntress, transforming her into a true Catwoman and one of the deadliest people in Gotham. The Bat-Family is one of the largest crime-fighting families in the DC Universe, which is why it’s no surprise that some members occasionally get lost in the crowd, including Helena Bertinelli. It’s going to be a lot harder to forget Huntress now after her feline transformation.

DC’s Beast World event is in full swing, and Beast Boy’s beast spores are raining down all over the world. While hunting down a corrupt city official in the story “Claw and Order” by Sam Maggs, P.J. Holden, and Lucas Gattoni from Titans: Beast World Tour – Gotham #1, Helena Bertinelli ends up being infected by a beast spore, which transforms her into a true Huntress: a panther.

Huntress Becomes Gotham’s Deadliest Woman Alive in Twisted Bat-Family Transformation

Still driven by her basic instincts, instead of immediately running off and causing chaos, she continues attacking the city official, very nearly killing him before Batgirl Cass Cain deals with the situation. While Helena is usually a forgotten member of the Bat-Family, no one will be able to forget this new panther form that complements her so well.



Huntress Cosplay Honors the Bat-Family’s ORIGINAL Black Sheep

One of the most overlooked and underused members of the Bat-Family, Huntress gets honored in a stellar cosplay of the REAL black sheep of the family.

Huntress Transforms Into a Terrifying Panther

Comic book panels: a were-panther in a superhero costume attacks a man in a suit.

Helena Bertinelli was one of the very few “mob princesses” of Gotham City. She grew up as one of the younger children of the prestigious Bertinelli mafia family. Her mother had fallen out of love with her father and wanted to begin seeing a rival mafia member. The two plotted to murder Helena’s father and escape with the children to start a new life, but Helena’s mother was betrayed, and the rival mafia member tried to destroy the entire Bertinelli family line. Helena only managed to survive by hiding under a table during the massacre. Helena would later move to Italy,where she trained to become the Huntress before returning to Gotham to take down corruption once and for all.

Helena has always been the black sheep of the Bat-Family, being far more willing to use lethal force than most members (aside from Jason Todd). This has caused friction with Batman on numerous occasions, and Helena has been kicked out of the Bat-Family several times. She seems to prefer being a lone hunter, going after the criminals of Gotham and punishing them in a way that she feels they deserve. While she has tried to avoid using lethal force in recent years, she’s not above doing it if she believes it’s necessary. Her new transformation into a panther perfectly encapsulates this: something beautiful and solitary, but also remarkably dangerous.

Huntress Is Lethal in Her New Panther Form

Comic book panels: a man in a suit pleads with a panther in a superhero costume.

As Beast spores rain down across the DC Universe, iconic characters will continue to take on monstrous forms. When Helena transforms, her true desires are also brought to the surface, which include hunting down and destroying the corruption that she still sees in Gotham. If it weren’t for the arrival of Cassandra Cain (and her use of a laser sight, which distracts Helena in true feline fashion), Huntress would likely have gone to massacre a great number of people as the Bat-Family’s most dangerous member.


Titans: Beast World Tour - Gotham 1 Main Cover: Costumed superheroes being chased by animal monsters.

  • Writer: Chip Zdarsky, Grace Ellis, Gretchen Felker-Martin, Sam Maggs, Kyle Starks
  • Artist: Miguel Mendonca, Daniel Hillyard, Ivan Shavrin, P.J. Holden, Kelley Jones
  • Colorist: Mike Spicer, Rico Renzi, José Villarrubia
  • Letterer: Lucas Gattoni
  • Cover Artist: Mikel Janín