Hulk Isn’t The Only Avenger Who Survives The Apocalypse

Hulk Isn’t The Only Avenger Who Survives The Apocalypse

Warning: Spoilers for Maestro #2.

Marvel’s new Maestro series by Peter David chronicles the Hulk’s journey across a country ravaged by nuclear warfare. With very little life remaining in this apocalyptic landscape, it seemed like Hulk was the last of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes – but as it turns out, another Avenger survived.

Maestro was created by Peter David as an evil version of the Hulk from an alternate future, equipped with the intelligence of Bruce Banner and the strength and brutality of the Hulk. However, while Maestro made his debut back in 1992, his origin story has never been fully revealed until this year’s Maestro series. After awakening from a simulation in an underground A.I.M facility led by MODOK, Hulk (with Banner’s consciousness) is told that the world above has been all but destroyed by nuclear warfare. Despite an offer from MODOK to stay at the facility, Hulk decides to leave and wander the decimated countryside, all the while becoming increasingly disgusted with humanity for what they did to the planet.

Now Maestro #2 shows just how bad things have become. The Hoover Dam is flooded, forests have decayed, Mount Rushmore lies in ruins, and relics of the dead heroes are displayed like museum exhibits in the lair of an elderly man, who may be the Hulk’s old ally Rick Jones. Regardless of who he is, his collection shows that no heroes remain to save this ruined world from further destruction. Spider-Man’s mask, Professor X’s Wheelchair, Wolverine’s skeleton, Silver Surfer’s board, and even Thor’s hammer all sit collecting dust, but not all hope is lost. When Hulk travels to the dystopian city formerly known as New York, he is taken to the city’s ruler – a man known as Maestro, who is revealed to be none other than Hercules.

Hulk Isn’t The Only Avenger Who Survives The Apocalypse

The Olympian god of strength, Hercules has been popping up in Marvel Comics since 1965, first appearing in Journey into Mystery Annual #1, where he was depicted as a rival of Thor. However, Hercules would go on to fight alongside the Marvel heroes, and even became a full-fledged member of the Avengers in The Avengers #45. He also had his own series called The Incredible Hercules in 2008. It’s unclear how Hercules managed to survive the apocalypse, but he has certainly used it to his advantage. His palace in the former New York is clearly fashioned after ancient Greek temples – and is no less magnificent. His assistant, the Minister, tells Hulk that “This city was descending into chaos. The Maestro appeared and brought everything into order. When he declared himself our ruler, none dared dispute him.” Unfortunately, Hulk can’t help but see this as the Maestro seizing power over a weakened people, which points to a potential conflict between him and his old friend.

We have yet to see how Hulk reacts to the reveal that Hercules is really the Maestro, but given that Hulk eventually takes the Maestro title for himself, it would seem likely that he will have to depose his fellow Avenger. It wouldn’t be the first time the two have butted heads. Still, Hercules’s appearance in the Maestro series is a pleasant surprise – even if it is doomed to be a brief one.