How & When Did Luke Skywalker Meet Ahsoka Tano?

How & When Did Luke Skywalker Meet Ahsoka Tano?

While Star Wars has finally brought Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano together in The Book of Boba Fett, it’s not the first time the two characters have met. During Luke’s training of the child Grogu in The Book of Boba Fett episode 6, “From the Desert Comes a Stranger”, it’s revealed that Ahsoka is present as well, the former apprentice to Luke’s father Anakin Skywalker. However, they’re already familiar with each other in this new Disney+ series, suggesting that they must have met at an earlier point in the Star Wars timeline. With the Ahsoka series release date set for 2023’s Disney+ lineup, there will no doubt be more of Luke and Ahsoka’s history added to Star Wars canon, too.

In The Book of Boba Fett episode 6, the Mandalorian Din Djarin ventures to the planet where Luke is training Grogu and beginning construction on his new Jedi academy, wishing to see how the child is doing. However, Djarin is convinced by the surprise appearance of Ahsoka to not see Grogu as it will only make the youngling’s path harder due to the bond they share. After leaving his gift of beskar armor with Tano, Djarin concedes and heads back to Tatooine, leaving her to meet with Luke as he oversees Grogu’s training. Interestingly enough, it’s clear that they’ve already been introduced and have a level of familiarity. Not only did Tano mention to Djarin that she was a “friend of the family,” but she also notes how much Luke is like his father before he became Darth Vader.

While there’s a rather large window of time when Luke and Ahsoka could have met in Star Wars‘ timeline, there are two points that are most likely. Even though Ahsoka was revealed to be the mysterious contact known as Fulcrum who helped form the Rebel Alliance – as seen in Star Wars Rebels – she was largely absent during the actual Galactic Civil War. Additionally, the canonical Star Wars comics set between the original trilogy of films have been showing Luke’s path as he learned to become a Jedi. While he’s yet to meet Ahsoka during his search for information about the Jedi Order and their teachings prior to Return of the Jedi, the possibility exists that they could meet at some point before the end of the original trilogy. If not, the other likely option is that they met during the 5 years after the fall of the Empire, but before Tano sent Djarin and Grogu to Tython to summon a Jedi in The Mandalorian season 2. It’s likely she had Luke in mind, as there were very few Jedi remaining across the galaxy.

Luke Met Ahsoka Sometime Between Empire Strikes Back And The Mandalorian

How & When Did Luke Skywalker Meet Ahsoka Tano?

Whether it was just before Return of the Jedi or the years that followed before The Mandalorian, it was inevitable that the two would meet. Luke was determined to find and study the Jedi Order and between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Likewise, Ahsoka likely kept tabs on the Rebellion she helped form, eventually becoming aware of the famed hero who blew up the Death Star. Regardless of when Ahsoka and Luke first met, their journeys clearly collided long before The Book of Boba Fett. They’re so intertwined that Ahsoka might replace Luke in the Thrawn storyline.

Even so, it would be nice to know exactly when and how Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano met, especially considering what she could have taught him about Anakin. Hopefully, the upcoming Ahsoka series can elucidate the first meeting between two Force-wielders and Tano’s journey in general during the Galactic Civil War and beyond. Regardless, seeing the two of them on-screen at the same time and interacting was a landmark Star Wars moment in The Book of Boba Fett.

How Ahsoka Could Include Another Luke Skywalker Cameo

2023’s Ahsoka Disney+ series will probably include another Luke Skywalker cameo. From The Mandalorian to Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Disney+ Star Wars shows have included many lead characters from the movies, often when they don’t have to (Obi-Wan Kenobi didn’t have to focus on Kid Leia and retconned a lot of Star Wars canon by doing so). Luke Skywalker made appearances in both The Mandalorian and The Book Of Boba Fett, so after seeing Luke and Ahsoka meet in the latter, it’s a safe bet he could return in Ahsoka.

It’s believed that Ahsoka will pick up Tano’s story from after her Mandalorian season 2 and Book of Boba Fett appearances rather than focusing on how she survived Order 66 and the Jedi purge. That means she’ll have already met Luke at the time of the Ahsoka series, although the Jedi temple may not be Ahsoka’s immediate concern in her solo show (rumors are it will delve into her hunt for Grand Admiral Thrawn), it will nevertheless be important. Now that it’s been established Luke and Ahsoka are working together, it would feel odd if hers was one of the Disney+ Star Wars shows he didn’t make a CGI appearance in. Even on the off-chance he doesn’t, Hayden Christensen is back as Darth Vader, so there’s guaranteed to be at least one Skywalker in Ahsoka.