“How Uncivilized”: Obi-Wan Would Be Appalled At One Unusual Jedi Weapon

“How Uncivilized”: Obi-Wan Would Be Appalled At One Unusual Jedi Weapon

An unusual Jedi weapon has been referenced at points throughout Star Wars canon which goes against elements of the Jedi Code. Since the inception of the franchise in 1977, the primary weapon of the Jedi has been shown to be the lightsaber. Powered by Force-sensitive kyber crystals, Star Wars’ various lightsaber types have aided the Jedi in being the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy for generations.

As such, Jedi have been known to neglect weapons of other forms. As many Jedi have often alluded to, the warriors need only the Force and their Star Wars lightsaber combat forms to bring peace to the people of the cosmos. Furthermore, Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi have been shown to have an active distaste for certain types of weaponry, making an interesting Jedi weapon that may be explored in upcoming Star Wars movies from the depths of canon that much more surprising.

The Jedi Created Blasters That Could Only Be Used By The Force

“How Uncivilized”: Obi-Wan Would Be Appalled At One Unusual Jedi Weapon

The weapon in question is a blaster that could only be used through the Force. In the Keepers of the Peace sourcebook for the roleplaying game Star Wars: Force and Destiny – both considered canon – the blaster was highlighted. According to the book, a Jedi artificer named Sokiro Terebin created a host of blasters powered by devices named resonators that could only be activated using the Force.

Humorously, this concept will be to the disgust of characters like Obi-Wan. It is no secret that Kenobi views blasters as uncivilized weapons, preferring to jump into combat with a lightsaber in hand. That said, the benefit of creating a blaster that can solely be used by the Jedi is certainly intriguing, putting a twist on the Jedi weaponry that has since become iconic in the franchise.

Why Did The Jedi Neglect This Technology?

Prime Jedi symbol next to the Jedi Order of Star Wars' prequels and Rey Skywalker

Given that such a weapon exists within Star Wars canon, it is worth exploring why the Jedi neglected this technology. The main reason is that the style of a blaster seemingly goes against the Jedi Code. As Yoda explains in The Empire Strikes Back, a Jedi should only use their power for defense and knowledge, never attack.

The nature of a blaster goes against this, as a ranged weapon is primarily used to inflict damage upon an enemy. While lightsabers are naturally deadly in their own right, most Jedi only use them as a form of self-defense rather than the more inherently offensive nature of a blaster. Similarly, using the Force to conduct such an attack is also in direct conflict with the way of the Jedi, proving why this unusual Star Wars weapon has never been shown to be utilized by the mostly peaceful Jedi Order thus far.