How to Solve The Elevator Puzzle in Little Nightmares 2

How to Solve The Elevator Puzzle in Little Nightmares 2

Bandi Namco turned the fear dial up to 11 with Little Nightmares 2. The follow-up to the original game builds upon the story and art-style fans had fallen in love with. Both games are a unique take on the side-scrolling genre with 3D elements, multi-level puzzles, and intricate platforming.

Chapter 3 of Little Nightmares 2 brings players into what we’ll call ‘The Hospital’. Here, they’ll encounter crawling hands, animated prosthetic bodies, and pitch-black corridors. Thankfully, this is where players will also find the Flashlight, something they’ve been wondering about since they learned the controls. Early on in Chapter 3, players will enter into a large atrium-like area with an elevator that doesn’t work. They’ll need to obtain two plugs to turn the power on and call the elevator. Here’s how to solve the elevator puzzle in Little Nightmares 2.

Little Nightmares 2 – Burn the Teddy Bear

How to Solve The Elevator Puzzle in Little Nightmares 2

Once the camera pulls back and players get a full view of this room, they’ll want to head to the far right side. Go past the stairs and down a hallway. Players will see a working elevator and another doorway on their right. Continue through the door; don’t go down the elevator yet as it will be a waste of time.

Players will enter into a small room with an X-Ray machine in the center. They’ll notice a set of X-Rays pinned to the wall on the top left. Among them is an X-Ray of a teddy bear with a key stuffed inside. Continue to the right to find what resembles a child’s play area. There will be three large teddy bears that can be picked up. Pick each one up until one starts to jingle. This noise will be impossible to miss. To confirm this bear contains the key, place it behind the X-Ray machine and pull the switch. Before leaving, be sure to climb to the top of the bookshelf on the right to find a collectible hat!

Bring that teddy bear out of the room and get in the elevator. This will bring players to a cremation room where they’ll find an open incinerator. Throw the bear inside and pull the switch. Climb in the incinerator, grab the key, and use it to unlock the door at the top of the stairs, on the right, in the main hall.

Little Nightmares 2 – Defeat the Hand

Little Nightmares 2 The Hand

Once players have unlocked the door, they’ll continue ahead until Six helps boost them up through a window. Now separated, players will encounter a severed hand that will cling to their face like the larva from Alien. Eventually, they’ll have to fight the hand, but this first one must be avoided. Use higher ground to keep distance and run away when the hand leaps and misses. Climb up the wall on the right and head through the vent. Be careful! The hand will follow.

Drop and head down the hallway. Turn left through the open door and continue through this room. Another hand will begin pursuit, and players will have to run away. Climb up on the table to the left and then onto the shelf. Drop onto the other side to find a hammer in the middle of the room. Now the fight is on.

The key to fighting the hand is to wait for its fingers to raise, almost like a scorpion prepping its stinger. Run directly away from the hand to get out of range. Once it jumps and lands, bring the hammer down on top of it. This may take a few tries to get the timing down. Players will spawn in this ‘battleground’ upon death. It’ll take three strikes with the hammer to kill the hand. Players can unlock the ‘And Stay Dead’ trophy by wailing on the hand 3-4 more times post-mortem.

Players will see the plug they need on a table in the back. Climb up, grab it, and continue left. Move the box and throw the plug through the glass window. Players will find Six being her weird self on the other side. Take this plug all the way around to the left to unlock the gate on the main hall’s top level.

Little Nightmares 2 – Prosthetics Hate Bright Lights

Little Nightmares Freeze Enemies

This next segment of the game will scare the pants off even the bravest of players. As they move through the dark, full-body prosthetics will come to life and try to grab them. Shine the flashlight to freeze them in their tracks. Players can manipulate the right stick to aim the flashlight and walk backward, something they can’t do during any other part of the game. They also don’t have to hold the light on the prosthetics. If any bit of light touches them, they’ll freeze for a moment.

This might be the most challenging part of the game thus far. Don’t get discouraged upon death. Find the sweet spot where the prosthetics freeze, and try to freeze two-three at a time. Eventually, players will come to a shower area with a light switch on the wall. In the back left of the shower area is a moveable box leading to a secret room. Inside is a lost soul to absorb.

To the right of the shower room will be a prosthetic sitting in a wheelchair. Turn the light back off and approach the prosthetic to make it stand up. Run back towards the light switch and flip the lights to freeze the prosthetic. Now, players are free to roll the wheelchair to the right side of the room, climb up and proceed.

Players will enter into a much larger room full of animated prosthetics. Proceed right and use quick spinning motions to freeze the prosthetics with the flashlight and avoid being ‘eaten’. Finally, sprint and slide under the wooden barrier for safety.

Players will be in a room with a subject strapped to an electrified chair. Jump up on the stool and grab the switch to trigger the electricity and dislodge the plug. Pick it up and throw it into the container where Six will use it to open the gate. Take this plug back into the main hall. Six will grab the first one players found. Together, put both plugs in place by the main elevator and pull the lever.

Little Nightmares 2 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Last-Gen