How To Romance Tifa In FF7 Rebirth (Best Dialogue Choices)

How To Romance Tifa In FF7 Rebirth (Best Dialogue Choices)


Tifa Lockhart is Cloud’s childhood friend and a romanceable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. If you play your cards right, you can take Tifa on a wonderful date at the Gold Saucer and cement your relationship with her. However, this requires forming the strongest bond with her out of anyone else in your party.

All relationships in the game are measured through a mechanic called Bonds of Friendship, resurrected from the original Final Fantasy 7. The best way to improve your relationship with Tifa is to pick the right option in a few important conversations. The best option will help raise your affinity to its highest point, especially when combined with side quests.

How To Romance Tifa In FF7 Rebirth (Best Dialogue Choices)


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Best Dialogue Options For Romancing Tifa

How To Romance Tifa In FF7 Rebirth (Best Dialogue Choices)

Similar to the conversations you can have when you’re trying to romance Aerith in FF7 Rebirth, Tifa has six major conversation points sprinkled through Chapters 2 through 11. Picking the most romantic option at each point of dialogue will improve your relationship with Tifa.

The more good options you choose, the more likely you are to go on that big date with her in Chapter 12. While you need the highest affinity with Tifa to score the date, her Bonds of Friendship also need to be high enough to trigger the event, making each choice important.

When conversing with someone, you tend to have three different choices. The key romantic conversations have the best response (ranked three stars), a regular response that provides two stars, and a mean response worth 1 star. The 3-star option is the go-to choice when you’re trying to romance Tifa in FF7 Rebirth. Just make sure you reach the right location and chapter to trigger each conversation.

Best Dialogue Responses To Romance Tifa



Dialogue Trigger

Best Response

Regular Response

Worst Response


In front of the mako tank in Mako Tank Plaza in Village Center

“This tank remind you of anything?”

“The place I made that promise to you.”

“The water tower in Nibelheim.”

“Any other mako tank.”


In Tifa’s room at the inn

“Do you remember a guy named Emilio?”

“Only person from the village I remember is you.”

“The general store kid?”

“No. Sorry.”


At the beach mini bar

“Feels like it’s been ages since Seventh Heaven.”

“Lot’s happened since then.”

“Wanna go back?”

“Hasn’t been that long.”



Dialogue Trigger

Best Response

Regular Response

Worst Response


Waiting by a house in Gongaga

“What sorta thing would you go for?”

“Gonna go with pot roast.”

“Pilaf, I guess.”

“Soup’s good.”


After Tifa talks to the group in Cosmo Canyon

“Did I sound as awkward as I felt?”

“You did good.”

“I felt for you.”

“You just gotta laugh it off.”


Inside Tifa’s old house

“It was taking a toll… Then you turned up.”

“Have I helped you get through it at all?”

“Like it was fate.”

“I never knew that.”

Other Major Moments/Quests To Help Romance Tifa

Tifa and Aerith in their swimsuit in FF7 Rebirth's Chapter 6

Tifa has five different side quests you can complete with her before Chapter 12 and the second Gold Saucer date. Each one is worth the detour if your heart is set on Tifa. They are just as important to boosting your relationship with her as the six conversations.




A Rare Card Lost


Dreaming of Blue Skies


Calling All Frogs


Bodybuilders in a Bind


My White-Haired Angel

You will also want to pick the right swimsuit outfit for Tifa during Chapter 6 when you reach Costa Del Sol. Match Cloud and Tifa’s swimsuits, and you will earn favor with Tifa. If Cloud wears the Wild Surf outfit, give Tifa the Shining Spirit swimsuit. Conversely, putting Cloud in the Ocean Chocobo swimsuit means you will want Tifa in the Majestic Glamour swimsuit. By picking all these options, you should end up winning Tifa’s heart by Chapter 12 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth New Poster-2

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Final Fantasy 7


PlayStation 5


February 29, 2024


Square Enix


Action RPG
, Adventure