How to Reunite the Stuyvesants in Hitman 3

How to Reunite the Stuyvesants in Hitman 3

While the main goal of every level in Hitman 3 is to eliminate Agent 47’s target, players can also complete certain in-level challenges to increase their Mastery level or earn new weapons and gadgets. Hitman 3 is the last entry in the World of Assassination trilogy and takes players to six new destinations: Dubai, Dartmoor, Berlin, Chonqing, Mendoza, and Romania. After players complete the level the first time, they can re-run each level using different pathways, including unlocked shortcuts, and attempting optional objectives. In the first level, which takes place in Dubai, players are tasked with eliminating Marcus Stuyvesant, who faked his own death and has gone into hiding. During this mission, players can unlock and complete the Meet the Stuyvesants challenge, which tasks them with ensuring a meeting between father and daughter can take place.

The challenge requires players to get Marcus and his daughter, Cornelia, to meet up at the Black Gold Bar alone prior to Agent 47 eliminating Marcus. To do this, players are going to need to get Cornelia’s artist companion, Lucy Phillips, out of the picture, as Marcus will not come speak to Cornelia if Lucy is with her. Getting Phillips to leave will take some stealth and ingenuity. While working toward this objective, players can also complete a second challenge, Precious Moments, as long as they have a camera with them. Here’s how to reunite Cornelia and Marcus Stuyvesant in Hitman 3.

How to Reunite the Stuyvesants in Hitman 3

How to Reunite the Stuyvesants in Hitman 3

When players reach the building where Marcus Stuyvesant and his security detail is located, they will need to go to take note of his location, then head to the Black Gold Bar on Level 1. Here, players will find Cornelia Stuyvesant chatting with Lucy Phillips. The two have a conversation that carries more loudly over the rest of the ambient noise, so players should easily be able to find them.

Lucy’s presence will prevent Marcus from going to see his daughter. To get Lucy to leave, players will need to find an Event Staff disguise to change into. This will allow Agent 47 to blend in with the other workers. To get an Event Staff vest, players will need to create a diversion in a relatively secluded place to lure someone to come investigate. One of the easier ways to do this might be to enter the bathroom and cause a distraction in the bathroom stall, prompting bathroom attendants to come check the situation.

Then, players will need to enter the storage room next to the Black Gold Bar and find rat poison on a shelf. They’ll need to return to the Private Bar and pose as a bartender to mix up a tainted beverage. At some point, Lucy will approach the bar, and players can give her the poisoned drink, which will send her straight to the bathroom to vomit.

47 aiming pistol

Players can complete this challenge without stealing clothes from the staff, but it will be significantly harder for the player to pull off. It will be more difficult to get access to Lucy’s drink that way.

Once Lucy is gone, Marcus should begin to make his way to the bar to speak to Cornelia. Players can track his location using Instinct vision. If Marcus is still too far away, particularly if he has made it to the other side of the building, players may want to go after Lucy and make sure to knock her out so she doesn’t return and prevent the reunion from taking place.

When Marcus and Lucy meet up, the challenge should register as complete. Technically, Agent 47 doesn’t need to be anywhere nearby as the two are meeting, but if he stays to watch, he will want to be sure to snap a photograph. Getting a picture of the meeting will help players complete the Precious Moments challenge at the same time. After this, the mission can continue as normal.

Hitman 3 is available for Nintendo Switch PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.