How to Raise Your HP in Paper Mario

How to Raise Your HP in Paper Mario

Players can raise their total HP in Paper Mario. This guide will explain how players can raise their HP to assist them in battles. Paper Mario: The Origami King is the next paper-crafted adventure in the series. The first two titles in the series focused more on turn-based RPG combat with leveling up and world exploration. While the series has drastically changed since its debut, it still maintains the same amount of charm within the script. In this game, players don’t gain experience in the game when battling. This guide will explain how players can raise their total HP in the game.

In Paper Mario: The Origami King, Mario must save the Mushroom Kingdom from the evil Origami King, who plans to fold all the citizens of the land. Once the folding commences, each character loses all of their free wills and is now under the control of the Origami King. Players must travel around the land to unravel the ribbons around the castle to save the princess and the world. Along the way, Mario will team up with unlikely allies who must come together for the greater good. Here’s how players can gain more HP in Paper Mario: The Origami King.

How To Raise More HP in Paper Mario

How to Raise Your HP in Paper Mario

There are two major raises to raise HP in Paper Mario and none of them have to do with grinding up in combat. Here’s how players can build their HP in the game.

  • Defeating Major Bosses: When the player fights certain bosses, the boss will drop a Max HP Heart for the player to collect. Players can also avoid these if the player wishes to have a harder challenge in the game.
  • Exploring The World: Players can encounter Max HP Hearts by exploring the world and finding them in the environment. They will be hidden all around the world. These are typically smaller than the ones that come from bosses.

Intelligent Systems, the developers behind Paper Mario: The Origami King refuses to return back to the formula that put the franchise on the map. They have mentioned they do not wish to create the same game again and again, but this has left a negative impact on the series overall. Both Paper Mario: Sticker Star and Paper Mario: Color Splash lack motives for combat, a game where combat is a majority of the gameplay. Many were hopeful Paper Mario: The Origami King could have returned the series back to its RPG roots, but it decided to go down a route farther away from the originals. Only time will tell if the series will be able to thrive with this new formula.

Paper Mario is available now on Nintendo Switch