How To Move Windows 11 Taskbar To The Left And Stop Hating Your Computer

How To Move Windows 11 Taskbar To The Left And Stop Hating Your Computer

One of the biggest visual changes in Windows 11 is the centered Taskbar, and for folks who absolutely can’t stand it, there is a way to move it back to the left. Microsoft didn’t hold back with its Windows 11 update. After launching Windows 10 in 2015 and supporting it with numerous incremental updates since then, Windows 11 marks a monumental shift forward for the operating system.

From a visual standpoint, Windows 11 is a drastic step forward. It makes the OS softer and more rounded than before, the Start menu looks completely different, and many of the system apps have been given a fresh coat of paint. There are a bunch of functional changes, too. Microsoft added a new widget system, it’s easier than ever to organize applications on your home screens, and there’s even Android app support. Add all of this together, and Windows 11 is a substantial update in every sense of the word.

Unfortunately, not every change is seen as a positive one. One of the most controversial elements of Windows 11 is the Taskbar. After years of being placed on the bottom-left of the screen, Windows 11 moves it to the center. It doesn’t sound like a huge deal, but with years of muscle memory expecting it to be on the left, moving the Taskbar to the center can be quite jarring. Thankfully, moving it back to the left — aka the correct spot — takes just a few seconds.

Moving The Windows 11 Taskbar Is Extremely Easy

How To Move Windows 11 Taskbar To The Left And Stop Hating Your Computer

To move the Windows 11 Taskbar, start by opening the Settings app and click the ‘Personalization’ tab on the left menu. Click the ‘Taskbar’ button, click ‘Taskbar behaviors,’ and click the dropdown button next to ‘Taskbar alignment.’ Click ‘Left,’ and the Taskbar instantly moves to the same spot it was in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and so. If someone moves the Taskbar to the left but ends up wanting in back in the middle, simply go through the steps above and choose ‘Center’ from the ‘Taskbar alignment’ area.

It’s also worth pointing out that left and center are the only two positions the Taskbar can be in. While previous Windows versions also allowed it to be on the top or sides of the screen, those options do not exist in Windows 11. It’s possible Microsoft re-enables that functionality with future software updates, but for now, left and center are all that’s available.