How to Heal Yourself in Stranded Deep

How to Heal Yourself in Stranded Deep

Monitoring stats, including and especially Health, is an important part of any survival game, and players exploring the Pacific Ocean and its islands in Stranded Deep will need to keep track of their Health. In Stranded Deep, players take on the role of the lone survivor of a plane crash stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They will need to deal with life-threatening scenarios, including bad weather, attacks from Sharks, Squids, and Eels, hunger, and dehydration. They will need to settle on an island and construct a shelter and craft supplies to survive. Health in Stranded Deep is directly tied to the hunger and thirst mechanics.

Though there is no direct way to heal in the game, players can slowly increase their Health meter and prepare themselves for the next major randomly generated obstacle. Players are going to need to find food and water if they want to improve their health. While food is fairly easy to come by and somewhat plentiful, clean water is significantly more difficult to obtain. In addition, players cannot be suffering from any of the possible negative status effects in the game, like sunstroke or illness, if they want their Health meter to increase. Here’s how to heal in Stranded Deep.

How to Heal Yourself in Stranded Deep

How to Heal Yourself in Stranded Deep

The first thing players will need to do to heal themselves is to check out their status effects. These can be found on the player character’s watch. Health will slowly increase as long as the Hunger and Thirst meters are both above four bars, and the character is not suffering from a negative effect.

It’s fairly easy to find food on and around the islands in Stranded Deep. Players can get meat by fishing, grow and pick fruit, and kill birds or bats to ensure they have enough to eat. It is more difficult to get water.

On any island, players’ first priority should be building a Water Still. These structures are crafted and can turn Fibrous Leaves and Palm Fronds into drinkable water. To build this, players will need:

  • 1 Coconut Flask (requires 1 Lashing and 1 Coconut)
  • 1 Piece of Tarp
  • 3 Rocks
  • 1 Lashing
  • 1 Palm Frond

To get all these materials, players are going to need to also make an axe and will need to search for and gather items like Rocks, Tarp, and Coconuts. When building a Still, players should consider adding more Palm Fronds as fiber underneath the tarp. With this source of clean water available, players should be able to keep their Hunger and Thirst meters at a good level.

Players will also need to address any instances of sunstroke, poisoning, broken bones, or illness that occur while they are trying to heal. These negative effects prevent the Health meter from increasing, even if Hunger and Thirst needs are met. Once the player character’s basic needs are met and illnesses or injury are addressed, players should see their Health improving.

Stranded Deep is available for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.