How To Get Your Facebook Feed To Show Recent Posts First

How To Get Your Facebook Feed To Show Recent Posts First

Most social media platforms like Facebook organize news feed posts according to what is deemed most relevant to the user, but people who use the app to stay in the know about their friends may want to see the most recent entries instead. By default, Facebook utilizes a feed algorithm that makes recommendations based on users’ social media activity and preferences. This means posts by friends and family members are shown less on the main feed in lieu of popular videos by content creators and other suggested content.

Facebook users can utilize the ‘Feeds’ tab on both desktop and mobile versions of Facebook and see friends’ posts in chronological order. To do this on a mobile device, launch the Facebook app and hit ‘Menu‘ – it’ll be located at the bottom of the page for iOS and the top of the screen for Android. Tap ‘Feeds,’ scroll across the top navigation bar, and select ‘Friends.’ The feed will show the most recent posts first, and only ones posted by actual Facebook friends. Alternatively, users can also pick ‘Favorites’ to see posts from contacts they’ve prioritized on the news feed.

View Recent Facebook Posts On Desktop

How To Get Your Facebook Feed To Show Recent Posts First

People accessing Facebook from a computer can easily rig their news feeds so that it’s arranged with the most recent posts appearing on top. Open Facebook on a web browser, click on ‘Feeds (Most Recent)‘ in the left sidebar. This will display the most recent groups from all friends, groups, and pages a user follows. Choose between options like ‘Friends,’ ‘Favorites,’ ‘Groups,’ and ‘Pages’ to see recent posts sorted by the respective categories. To revert to Facebook’s default feed view, click on the home button.

Facebook’s recent posts feed is similar to Instagram’s Chronological feed, displaying the most recent posts at the top. However, like Instagram, there’s no way to make posts appear in chronological order by default, or sort them by just friends or groups. When Facebook is reopened later, the home tab will once again display what it deems “Top posts,” including posts by pages that may be of interest to the user. Also note that Facebook ads will still appear while in ‘Feeds’ view for both mobile and desktop users.

How Facebook Ranks Top Posts In Your Feed

Facebook suggested posts in feed

These days, the regular Facebook feed displays more posts by pages and people a user doesn’t follow. While some of these posts are ads, many of them appear with a ‘Suggested for you‘ title. These posts are suggested due to a combination of factors: the kind of content a user views on Facebook, how often a user interacts with posts from that that page, the type of media a user interacts with the most (photos, videos, or links), and the total engagement on that particular post.

For example, if a user sees a post from a page about fishing on their feed and interacts with it in some way, either by clicking on a link, looking at the photos, or liking/commenting, the Facebook algorithm will display more posts related to fishing on a user’s feed. When it comes to posts from Facebook friends, certain friends may be prioritized more than others if a user likes or comments on their posts. A user’s Facebook feed is constantly changing depending on their activity, and it can become overwhelming to see too many suggested posts from the same friends. If users need a break from the noise, sorting their Facebook feed by recent posts helps to reduce the clutter.