How To Get WhatsApp Messages & Notifications On Apple Watch

How To Get WhatsApp Messages & Notifications On Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is no exception to the rule that lightweight technology brings convenience to modern life, and this is doubly so because the same product can be used to display smartphone notifications, such as those from WhatsApp, and can even be used to reply to them. It’s true that Apple isn’t the only company putting out smartwatches right now, but the company does happen to be making undeniable headway into transferring the usefulness of the iPhone into a much smaller form-factor.

What Apple does well, it does very well. So even during a time where Apple makes news for divisive issues, the technical vision of the company deserves praise for consistently seeking high-functionality accompanied with an enjoyable experience for the shopper. For that, this device is an excellent example because with all that could be written about what smartphones bring to connectivity standards today, there are times it just isn’t feasible to keep pulling out and unlocking a phone. To assist in this, it’s crucial that smartwatches are as easy as possible to use.

As Apple explains, iPhone app notifications, including those from WhatsApp, can be configured to appear on the Apple Watch. To start, navigate to the Apple Watch app on an iPhone and switch to the ‘My Watch’ tab. Tap ‘Notifications’ and from the list of apps available tap on WhatsApp to see its customization options. In order to use identical notification settings between the iPhone and Apple Watch, tap ‘Mirror my iPhone’ as this will help to ensure WhatsApp alerts show up the same as they would on the iPhone. The three options Apple makes available are ‘Allow Notifications’ to receive alerts on the watch, ‘Send to Notification Center’ to get them but not be alerted, and ‘Notifications Off’ to quit getting them completely.

WhatsApp On The Wrist

How To Get WhatsApp Messages & Notifications On Apple Watch

To check and respond to notifications, use the digital crown to scroll down to a WhatsApp message alert and use the reply button beneath it to respond. Additionally, tapping on the WhatsApp logo will open up the app itself while swiping downward or tapping the ‘Dismiss’ button at the bottom of the notification gets rid of it. With these settings, all WhatsApp notifications should still go to the iPhone if unlocked, but once locked again, they should be sent to the watch.

The bringing of smartphone features to a watch can take some getting used to. Despite how overwhelming new gadgets can be, the simplicity of the Apple Watch supports this transition by taking a common-sense approach. In the end, it’s still hitting buttons and turning a crown on the side of the watch, and that’s all. The technology didn’t need to change overwhelmingly even though the use of the Apple Watch feature might feel like a technological leap, which is good news for those less interested in complicated tech.