How to Get Fun Fright Tickets in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

How to Get Fun Fright Tickets in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

With a name like Monster Hunter: World, it should be no surprise that the popular action RPG will be hosting an in-game Halloween event. In the expansion, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, players can participate in a three-week-long festival called Seliana Fun Fright Fest. The event includes many bonuses for players, like Lucky Vouchers, Snowmen, and Fun Fright Tickets. Players can also access any previous events to take place in Monster Hunter: World, meaning they can also access bonuses and special equipment they may have missed. There are several new quests exclusive to the Seliana Fun Fright Fest, which will allow players to grab new materials and create two new armor sets.

Fun Fright Tickets are the key to unlocking the new seasonal armor sets. There is a standard version and a rarer VIP version, but both are considered Master Rank Materials used in crafting the armor. Just playing the game will earn some Fun Fright Tickets, but players can also complete limited bounties for extra. The armor, called the Demonlord set, can transform the player character into a demon, just in time for Halloween. There is a standard and a layered option players can unlock with Fun Fright Tickets and a few other materials. They can also unlock a Frankenstein’s monster costume for their Palico with these Tickets. Here’s how to get Fun Fright Tickets in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.

How to Get Fun Fright Tickets in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

How to Get Fun Fright Tickets in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

The easiest way for players to earn Fun Fright Tickets in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, is to log into the game once a day through the entire event. Fun Fright Tickets are offered as a daily log-in bonus, so players can get 21 of them just for opening the game every day. The Fun Fright Fest runs from October 15 through November 5.

The other method of getting Fun Fright Tickets is completing daily bounties. They will typically involve going on Master Rank hunts for specific monsters. Players can begin a bounty at the Resource Center under Register Bounties. They will need to select the daily bounties that reward Fun Fright Tickets, and there will be multiple each day of the festival. While this method is not as simple, players earn more Fun Fright Tickets this way and will be more likely to be able to complete the Demonlord and Frankie armor and the extra Demonlord layered set before the event ends.

Players should note that Fun Fright Fest only takes place if players have the Iceborne expansion. For players who have the base game, there are still plenty of festivities and seasonal armor to enjoy in the Astera Autumn Harvest Fest, which runs at the same time. To get started, players should visit the Gathering Hub for both the base game and for Iceborne, which will trigger both events to begin and allow the player to begin collecting goodies.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.