How To Get Away With Murder: 8 Fan Theories Weren’t True (& 2 That Were Right)

How To Get Away With Murder: 8 Fan Theories Weren’t True (& 2 That Were Right)

How to Get Away With Murder is known for creating captivating mysteries. With the final season of How to Get Away with Murder concluded, a great many of those questions were answered. Some of the biggest mysteries of the final season included “Who killed Asher?” and “Who killed Annalise?”

Of course, with questions come fan theories. While some of these theories might have seemed outlandish at first, and most of them did indeed prove to be too much of a stretch, it turns out that a couple of them rang true in one way or another.

Updated on June 19th, 2020 by Brittany Fischer. How to Get Away with Murder has come to an end. While there were some aspects of the finale that fans loved, there were others that fans weren’t too happy about. Some questions were never answered, leaving fans wondering about the lingering mysteries. And the answers fans got weren’t as thrilling as some of the theories which fans had created. So with the series now complete, let’s take a look at which of these fan theories came true and which didn’t.

Gabriel Has A Recording Of Asher’s Death – Didn’t Come True

How To Get Away With Murder: 8 Fan Theories Weren’t True (& 2 That Were Right)

The promo for Season 6 Episode 11 begins with Gabriel saying he knows who killed Asher.  After breaking his cell phone, Asher knocks on Gabriel’s door and offers him $64,000 dollars for his phone.  Asher was using his phone to record conversations with his peers to gather incriminating evidence for the FBI.

It stands to reason that Asher would be using Gabriel’s phone to transfer those recordings and gather more evidence.  Reddit user u/dobryj4elovek proposes that Gabriel saw Asher’s dead body and retrieved his phone so he wouldn’t be connected to the crime.  He later listened to the recordings on Asher’s phone and figured out what happened.  This is a plausible theory that is also supported by a shot in the promo which shows a figure crawling out of Gabriel’s apartment and toward Asher’s body.

While Gabriel did end up playing a major role in the reveal of Asher’s murderer, he did not obtain information about his killer in the way that fans thought. Gabriel actually witnessed part of the murder after hearing commotion in the hallway. He looked out his door just in time to see the back of the head of Asher’s murderer. One thing from this theory did come true, however. Gabriel did in fact retrieve his phone from Asher’s body.

Wes Is The FBI Informant – Didn’t Come True

An image of Wes looking concerned in How To Get Away With Murder

It’s possible Asher isn’t the only informant.  Some fans speculate that Wes Gibbons is one as well.  The victims connected to Michaela and Connor’s case include deaths with cases that were officially closed, such as the Hapstall suicide.  There is one death suspiciously unmentioned, Wes’s death.

This death would be one of the easiest to connect to Annalise, as Wes was found dead in her home.  Is the reason Wes is missing from this list of victims because the FBI knows he is not really dead as he is in hiding and working with them as an informant?

While this theory didn’t end up being true, Annalise did believe that Wes’s file may come into play during the trial, with him serving as “the surprise witness.” Luckily for Annalise, Nate obtained Wes’ file and shared it with Annalise, allowing her to burn it.

Wes Is A Twin – Didn’t Come True

One of the most outlandish and long-running theories is that Wes has a twin.  While this theory would need a lot of explaining to work, it would also answer several questions that have never been fully resolved.  The show never gave answers about why Wes was meeting with Sandrine Castillo or why he left a message on Dominick’s machine using the name Christophe – the name he supposedly used as a child.

Sylvia Mahoney’s line to Annalise “You are wrong about so much,” while discussing Wes was also never explained.  Wes’s past has been shown to viewers in fragments so it’s possible that Christophe is not Wes’s childhood name, but an identical twin viewers were never shown.

Another theory that had promise was the Wes is a twin theory. This would have been far more interesting than Enoch portraying Christopher but likely would have taken too long for the show to explain.

Pam Killed Asher – Didn’t Come True

Fans were shocked when Asher became involved with Connor’s mom, Pam.  Although the relationship seems to have ceased, her brief fling with Asher could have clued her into some of the danger surrounding the Keating 4.  Pam arrived quickly at the police station upon Connor’s arrest.

Could it be that Pam was actually in town to see Asher when she saw the news about an FBI informant sharing incriminating evidence about Annalise and those close to her?  Could she have then pieced together that Asher was the informant and killed him in both a fit of rage and an attempt to protect her son?  Her erratic behavior and outbursts during the most recent episode make Pam a viable suspect.

This is a theory we truly wish came true. Any murderer would have been more exciting than the one fans were given. Ultimately, the reveal that Pollock killed Asher fell flat and it isn’t totally clear what happened to her after she was questioned by the FBI. Even her motivations for killing Asher were left to speculation.

Oliver Is The FBI Informant – Came True (Partially)

Oliver is another possible informant. While originally uninterested in learning about the details of his friends’ crimes, Oliver has begun asking Connor to share details in recent seasons.  He has continuously encouraged Connor to take deals to save himself and turn on his friends.

There are other suspicious details. Asher’s killer knew he was hit on the head with a fire poker and was able to place it at the crime scene. The mysterious missing video footage from the house is something Oliver would definitely know how to control. And the fact that Oliver was the only one released even though he had the least prestigious lawyer and the most damning evidence – the confession. Oliver starts to look like a very likely suspect.

Oliver did turn out to be “the surprise witness” in the trial, but not in the way that fans expected. This wasn’t a long-term plan of Oliver’s and was instead born out of desperation as Oliver fought to keep Connor out of jail. In the end, Oliver did not end up testifying because Connor refused to let Oliver dictate the terms of his agreement.

Gabriel Killed Asher – Didn’t Come True

Another character who could have been behind Asher’s death is Gabriel.  Gabriel’s entrance into How to Get Away with Murder was suspicious but up until this point he has not been involved with any of the Keating 4’s schemes.

Gabriel has strong feelings for Michaela and was devastated when he believed she was rejecting him because of her complicated relationship with Asher.  If Gabriel learned that Asher was informing on Michaela to the FBI, he could have been angry enough to kill him.  We already know that Gabriel has killed in the past to protect his mother, so it’s believable that he would kill to protect the woman he loves.

Gabriel managed to escape the finale without getting much blood on his hands. He didn’t commit any new crimes during the course of the show and ultimately fled with Frank’s blood money.

Solomon Is Involved with Asher’s Death – Didn’t Come True

When Michaela’s father was first introduced, something didn’t seem right.  Solomon has a questionable past and tumultuous history with Annalise.  Unlike most of the How to Get Away with Murder characters, Solomon is not ashamed of what he has done.  He regularly references his dark past as evidence of his ability to overcome extreme circumstances.  When rushing to Michaela’s aid, he reassures her that making a deal to save herself is the best thing she can do and that he won’t let it negatively impact her future.

It is also hinted that Solomon provided the FBI with the necessary information to track Annalise.  He seems to want Annalise to go down, and if having Asher killed is what was needed to set his plan in motion, he wouldn’t hesitate.

Solomon seemed like he was gearing up to be a formidable villain on the show. Unfortunately for fans, his character disappeared as quickly as he arrived, leaving many to wonder why the show even bothered to introduce him in the first place.

Annalise Planned To Get Caught – Didn’t Come True

Annalise and Solomon were not on great terms when he came into the picture.  Still, when she needed to escape, Annalise turned to Solomon for advice, seemingly using his contact to disappear.  It seems strange that Annalise, a naturally skeptical person, would accept help from someone she doesn’t trust.

This has led some fans to speculate that Annalise planned to get caught.  This would also explain why Annalise did not get into the escape vehicle sent to her or say goodbye to anyone.  Annalise is always steps ahead of everyone else, so planning to get caught could be part of a larger plan.

We wish this had been another example of Annalise thinking ahead. Unfortunately, she was just caught.

Annalise Is The Big Bad Of The Series – Didn’t Come True

Annalise has done questionable things but fans still root for her.  She seems like a victim of circumstances, but maybe Annalise isn’t as innocent as we think.  While Annalise didn’t cause any of the murders in the show, it’s possible she played a part behind the scenes.  Crime follows Annalise wherever she goes and she covers up crimes committed by her students, friends, and clients.

Annalise may be involved in Asher’s murder.  The murder weapon could be Annalise’s fire poker, which explains Michaela’s fingerprints, as Annalise used the poker during a stress exercise. There’s also the mysterious stop she made in the car.  Annalise twists information and implicates her peers, has difficulty maintaining positive relationships and engages in reckless behavior.  She has a plan for every situation.  It’s possible she has been secretly planning, orchestrating, and manipulating events throughout the entire series.  It would be satisfying if she began the series by saying she is going to teach the students “how to get away with murder” and ended it by getting away with murder.

While this would have been a brilliant but controversial ending, it didn’t come true. However, the story did come full circle as Annalise became a mentor to Christopher and sat in on his class as he began his lecture as a professor at Middleton University. This time, it was he who wrote “how to get away with murder” on the board as Annalise watched.

Christopher Is At Annalise’s Funeral, Not Wes – Came True

During the midseason finale, we see a clip from Annalise’s funeral.  As the speaker announces that someone who knew Annalise is going to share a few words, a very familiar face is shown coming through the crowd, Alfred Enoch who plays Wes Gibbons.

While this led many to speculate that Wes is still alive, some fans were not convinced.  Instead, some believe that this funeral takes place sometime in the distant future and that Enoch is now portraying the character Christopher, the son Wes had with Laurel.

This fan theory was one that fans were hoping wasn’t true as it was the least exciting outcome. But of course, this theory proved to be correct. It felt a little cheap to fans that the show pretended to tease Wes’ return only to have Enoch be portraying Christopher.