How To Do a Free Pass in Mario Strikers: Battle League

How To Do a Free Pass in Mario Strikers: Battle League

A free pass is a type of move in Mario Strikers: Battle League that can help players keep the ball away from their opponents. Unlike a regular pass, using a free pass can send the ball to any open spot on the field. This technique can be beneficial when the player or their teammates are surrounded by rivals and at risk of losing possession of the ball.

Although free passes allow players to shoot the ball across the field to an open spot, the ball can still be intercepted. Players will need to quickly decide where to aim and kick the ball away before their rivals can gain the advantage. Many times, a free pass can be used over a regular pass to get the ball near a teammate without kicking it too close to an opponent. A free pass is a useful move that can easily be performed at any time during a Mario Strikers: Battle League soccer match.

Performing a free pass is fairly simple, but players will need to move quickly. Free passes can be done by holding down ZL, moving the analog stick to aim the ball, then pressing Y or B to kick high or low. Taking too long to aim the ball may cause players to lose possession, so some planning ahead may be required. If players can react quick enough, free passes can be used periodically to maintain possession and score more goals in Mario Strikers: Battle League.

When To Use A Free Pass In Mario Strikers: Battle League

How To Do a Free Pass in Mario Strikers: Battle League

It may seem counterintuitive to pass the ball to an empty part of the field instead of a teammate, but there are a few situations where this strategy can be very useful. For example, if there are no teammates open and an opponent is attempting to steal, a free pass can be used to get the ball away from them. From there, a teammate can recover the ball before someone on the opposing team is able to steal it in this new Nintendo Switch game.

Free passes can also be used to shoot the ball forward past rivals. If a teammate is closer to the goal but there are opponents in between, players can use a free pass to get the ball to an open spot on the other side of the field without the risk of the opposing team members intercepting the pass. Although this type of pass can be useful for maintaining possession of the ball, it should only be used as needed to avoid constant interference from the opposing team.

Free passes need to be used strategically, because constantly passing the ball to open spots can lead to a lot of steals or missed opportunities. The free pass function can help with creating some distance between characters, but frequently utilizing this tactic will make it easy for the opposing team to predict the player’s movements. For the best outcome, players should use free passes sparingly to defeat the opposing characters in Mario Strikers: Battle League.

Mario Strikers: Battle League is available for Nintendo Switch.