How To Create A Club On Clubhouse

How To Create A Club On Clubhouse

Clubhouse is still a new service and this means some things are a little harder to do than others with starting a Club a good example. Despite its popularity, Clubhouse remains in a beta state and this has resulted in limited or reduced access to a number of the app’s features, as well as who can actually access the service to begin with.

Clubhouse is a little different to other social media and networking apps as it places a greater focus on audio conversations between users rather than text and image posts. These conversations take place within rooms and rooms are often found within clubs. Therefore, understanding how clubs work and how they are set up is important for anyone who wants to get more heavily involved with Clubhouse.

As of right now, users are not able to just start a club. Instead, Clubhouse is taking a heavily moderated approach where it has to manually approve all of the club requests that are made. Due to this, Clubhouse currently prioritizing users joining existing clubs over starting their own, but for anyone still looking to start their own, they will need to fill out this Clubhouse form and wait for the team to review and approve the request. The company does explain that it is working on ways to automate the approval process, as well as an option to self-serve create a club. However, there’s no word on when either of these options will become available to users.

What To Know Before Making A Club Request

How To Create A Club On Clubhouse

While it is possible for users to start their own clubs, there are some things to consider before making a request. Firstly, with a manual approval and request system in place, it could take some time before a new club request is approved. The Clubhouse request form specifically highlights this point, stating that it is experiencing “an unusually high volume of club requests.” In addition, that priority for new clubs will be given to users “who have already hosted a weekly show 3 times.” Therefore, users can increase their chances of getting a new club request approved by being more active in existing clubs, and getting more involved with hosting.

Another aspect to be aware of is that Clubhouse currently limits how many clubs each user can start, although there is some contradiction here. For example, officially Clubhouse states it is limiting clubs to one per user. However, the request form suggests each user can create two clubs. Either way, the takeaway point is that users are severely limited on how many clubs they can request and create.

Although there are limitations on who can start a club, how many clubs each user can create, and how long it might take for a new club to be approved, the process is likely to change and improve over time as the service slowly exits its beta state. Clubhouse does explain that the ultimate goal is to add the self-serve clubs feature to the app and once this happens, users will be able to “instantly” create a new club.