How To Allow (Or Block) Safari Pop-Ups On An iPhone

How To Allow (Or Block) Safari Pop-Ups On An iPhone

Despite its reputation for privacy and security, even the Safari browser for iPhones can end up with unwanted ads and windows popping up. At best this is a nuisance and at worst it can be a security risk. Fortunately, there are measures that Apple says users can take to minimize the number of pop-ups they see and the threat they pose.

The iOS version of Safari has come preinstalled on the iPhone since Apple first released its revolutionary smartphone in 2007 and it can’t be uninstalled as is a deeply embedded part of the mobile operating system. Few iPhone users would want to uninstall it, of course, as it’s fast, secure, and comes with a host of useful features like webpage translation, hyperlink previews, and a Reading List to which articles can be saved for viewing later. From a security perspective, Apple has also given Safari features like Privacy Reports that show how a user is being tracked and Password Monitoring to flag if a user’s login details for a website have been compromised by a breach, but, like other browsers, it can still be susceptible to unwanted pop-ups.

Pop-ups are web-pages, ads, or alerts that appear in a new window or tab and, while they aren’t inherently bad practice or dangerous, they are often used inappropriately and for unethical purposes like phishing. As Apple advises, the simplest way to avoid falling foul of unscrupulous pop-ups is to avoid interacting with any that appear without good cause or from untrusted sources. However, there are a couple of other things that iPhone users can do to protect themselves within Safari.

Protecting Against Pop-Ups In Safari On The iPhone

How To Allow (Or Block) Safari Pop-Ups On An iPhone

One of the most important things that Apple advises is for users to ensure they have the latest software updates installed whenever possible. Apple releases regular updates, some of which provide new features, but Apple also says many “have important security updates and may include improvements that help control pop-ups.” The easiest way to stay updated is to turn on automatic software updates for an iPhone by going to the General section in the Settings app and toggling on the automatic updates option within the Software Updates section, but users can simply agree to install them when prompted if they prefer.

Apple also advises that users ensure they have the option to ‘Block Pop-ups and Fraudulent Website Warning’ activated. This makes Safari err more on the side of caution than when the setting is not enabled and can be toggled on or off by opening the Settings app on an iPhone and navigating to the Safari section. Users may prefer not to enable this setting so as to ensure they have wider access to the web, but they should be well familiar with what threats there may be if they take this approach. In the event that a pop-up does appear, users can either choose to close it or simply tap in the address bar to input a new URL and navigate away from it.