How To Activate Smart Steering In Mario Kart 8 (& How It Works)

How To Activate Smart Steering In Mario Kart 8 (& How It Works)

The Smart Steering feature in Mario Kart 8 will let players turn their Karts with some assistance but does not work entirely like an auto-pilot feature. This accessibility feature is hidden in the Kart setup menu but can activated before you finalize your Kart setup. The Smart Steering feature will guide you and prevent you from steering off-course. However, turning this feature on will put an antenna on the back of your Kart and flash a yellow color when activated.

When setting up a kart in Mario Kart 8, you will be able to enable or turn off the feature by using one of the menu options. Once enabled, you will have better control when turning corners or overtaking other players. It is worth pointing out that this feature will only assist you and will not make your Kart into a self-driving vehicle.

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How To Turn On or Off Smart Steering In Mario Kart 8

How To Activate Smart Steering In Mario Kart 8 (& How It Works)

Nintendo does not have a traditional settings menu in Mario Kart 8, and instead, this accessibility feature can only be enabled after you select a character in Mario Kart 8. Once you enter the vehicle setup menu, press the -/+ button to bring up a sub-menu. Then, press the “L” button to enable or disable the Smart Steering feature.

The icon for the Smart Steering is on the left, right below the stat figures for a Kart. When enabled, you will see the silhouette of Mario in a Kart with an antenna at the back. When disabled, you will see the antenna blocked.

You can also turn on Smart Steering for your Kart in Mario Kart 8 while in a race. You will need to pause the race, hit the same -/+ button, and press the “L” button to toggle on the feature.

It is worth pointing out that enabling this feature can also be detrimental to seasoned players. When turned on, you cannot do an Ultra Turbo (Purple Sparks) in Mario Kart 8, which might not be suitable for players looking to beat others online.

Mario Kart 8 Poster

Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart

Wii U , Nintendo Switch

May 30, 2014


